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Add Library Resources to a Canvas Course

The Library Resources - Guides integration in Canvas syncs with our LibGuides system to automatically load the appropriate library research guide or list of resources in your subject into your Canvas course. We use the course
name and number to determine if a particular course guide or a subject guide is the best fit for your course.

Activate the Library Resources Integration:

  1. Sign into Canvas
  2. From the Dashboard, select the course to which you will add the Library Resources integration
  3. From the course Home, select Settings

  1. Select Navigation from the tabs across the top

  1. Scroll down the page until you see Library Resources - Guides in the list of options. If you are adding it for the first time, it will be under “Drag items here to hide them from students”


  1. Select Library Resources - Guides and drag the rectangle up to the top portion of the page. Make sure Library Resources - Guides is somewhere in the top list so that it will show in the course navigation

  1. Make sure to select SAVE at the bottom of the page after you have moved Library Resources to the top list
  2. Library Resources - Guides will now appear in your course navigation and in the student view navigation. Student view:

Library Guides & Resources:
Please contact your liaison librarian if you want an individual course page or have additional questions about what resources are available for your students. You can see our full list of guides at: