This guide is intended to be an overview of the UW-Whitewater libraries’ resources, services and policies. The guide contains the following page:
- Policies & Services
This page contains information on library policies and services relevant to UW-Whitewater faculty and staff.
- Contact Your Librarians
This page links out to the web page listing the library liaisons associated for every department at UW-Whitewater.
- Information Literacy Instruction
This page contains information regarding information literacy instruction provided by UW-Whitewater librarians.
- Collections
This page contains information and links to the various collections owned by UW-Whitewater libraries, as well as links specific to the removal or expiration of e-resources.
- Books, Media & Equipment
This page outlines the print and online resources, as well as the equipment which are accessible through the library.
- Discovery & Access: Tools from Third Iron
This page links out the library guide with information on research tools such as Browzine and LibKey.
- Borrow a Book/Request an Article
This page contains instructions and a video tutorial on how to request books and articles through the Library's interlibrary loan service.
- Order Materials
This page contains instructions and links to forms for faculty and staff to order materials for the Library's collections.
- Open Access & Open Educational Resources
This page contains information on open access publishing and access to open education resources.
- Reserves
This page contains information on how faculty and instructors can place items on reserve at the Library for course use.
- Video Reserve/Booking
This page has information on how to reserve videos for classroom use.
- Designated Users
This page contains information and links to the form which allows faculty, staff and departments to set up a designated user.
- Copyright & Fair Use
This page contains information and links to resources relevant to copyright and fair use.
- Online Teaching Pedagogy
This page contains links to library resources related to online pedagogy.
- Journal Alerts
This page contains instructions and links on how to set up journal alerts in Research@UWW and other library databases.
- Library Sources in Canvas
This page contain instructions on how to add library resources to a Canvas course.
- Get Help
This page links out to the library's Get Help page.
For more detailed information, as well as access to our online resources, please visit the UW-W libraries website.
The primary mission of the UW-W libraries is to serve the research needs of UW-Whitewater’s faculty, staff and students. Please do not hesitate to ask Library staff for help in locating resources or for information about Library services. Our libraries offer research materials, computers, games, a variety of study spaces, and more.
We look forward to your visit!