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Why Create a Google Scholar Profile?

  • Collates your publications
  • Tracks citations to your work
  • Helps researchers find access to your publications
  • Automatically updates your work (but do check it for accuracy)
  • It's a free from Google (so may not be provided indefinitely)

How to Set Up a Profile

  1. Go to and Sign In. Use your existing UWW email to log in, an existing Gmail account, or create a new one. 
  2. Click My Profile. screenshot - first log in to Google at right, then to My Profile at left


3. Fill out Profile information. If you do not have a personal web page, you might use your department's or the University's homepage.

 screenshot of Google Scholar settings

4. Once you've set up your profile, Google Scholar will update it with publications that it thinks are yours. For the Articles step, confirm articles that Google finds. Check those you wish to include, but be careful if you have a common name, as publications by others may be included in the suggestions. There may also be some types of articles that you may choose not to include, such as newsletters, book reviews etc, and not just scholarly articles. To find missing publications, you may search by article title or DOI, or add missing publications manually. Note: You will likely need to add book chapters manually.

5. In the Settings step, choose between automatic updating and manual updates with email notifications. Check the Make my profile public box.