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Measuring the Impact of Book Publications

Use WorldCat to find out approximately how many libraries around the world hold a title.  It contains records for books, musical scores, sound recordings, and more. To begin assessing the scholarly impact of your books,

  1. Search the title
  2. Tap View All Editions
  3. Tap the title of each relevant record, for print and ebooks
  4. Enter a zip code if requested.
  5. It will tell you how many Libraries own that item and also provide the names of the Libraries. 

Additionally, use Google Scholar to locate "Cited By" data for an entire publication or for individual articles within an edited volume.

Times Cited Feature - Google Scholar

Use this feature of Google Scholar to track when your journal article, book, or article in an edited volume is cited by other authors.

Locate Your Article or Publication

1. In Google Scholar, search for the title of the article of interest enclosed in quotes. 

The first item on the results list is usually the citation for the article itself. The following citations are mostly to articles or books that cite it, but sometimes syllabi, reviews, bibliographies, and others.

Google Scholar cited by feature

2. Tap the "Cited by..." link below the citation and snippet of text. This link will lead you to a list of articles that include the original article in their reference lists. You can click on each of the titles on the list to view the new source.

Create an Alert

3. If you wish to be notified by email when new articles or documents cite your publication in the future, click the Create alert link at the left of the page.

Google Scholar create alert feature