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Times Cited Features

The number of times an article has been cited and by whom is one consideration in measuring the impact of an article. Times cited is a feature in some databases as well as in Google Scholar. As most databases only report cited by results for articles and journals indexed by that specific database provider, a researcher may find it necessary to compare results in a number of different databases.

Google Scholar locates citations in articles, conference papers, technical reports, book chapters, and other types of documents. 

Times Cited Feature - Library Databases

How often has your article been cited, and by whom?
How often is a publication cited within a database?

times-cited feature is offered in some Andersen Library databases, such as this Web of Science article:

A number of EbscoHost databases also include a cited references search. Look for the link at the top of the search page:

You may also note "cited references" below search result records in many EBSCO, ProQuest and other databases:

As most databases only report cited by results for articles and journals indexed therein, a researcher may find it necessary to compare results in a number of different databases.

Times Cited Feature - Google Scholar

Use this feature of Google Scholar to track when your journal article, book, or article in an edited volume is cited by other authors.

Locate Your Article or Publication

1. In Google Scholar, search for the title of the article of interest enclosed in quotes. 

The first item on the results list is usually the citation for the article itself. The following citations are mostly to articles or books that cite it, but sometimes syllabi, reviews, bibliographies, and others.

Google Scholar cited by feature

2. Tap the "Cited by..." link below the citation and snippet of text. This link will lead you to a list of articles that include the original article in their reference lists. You can click on each of the titles on the list to view the new source.

Create an Alert

3. If you wish to be notified by email when new articles or documents cite your publication in the future, click the Create alert link at the left of the page.

Google Scholar create alert feature

Set up Google Scholar to Connect with Andersen Library Databases

Set your preferences in Google Scholar so that you automatically interlink with some Andersen Library databases . This has already been set up on all campus computers.

To do this at home,

  1. Begin on the Google Scholar webpage,
  2. Click on "Settings" at the top of the display, and then on "Library Links" on the left side.
  3. Perform a search for: "uw-whitewater."
  4. Check the "

You will be prompted to log in when you click on a "Find It at UW-Whitewater" or other link to a full text article at UW-Whitewater.

For illustrated instructions, click here.