You will need to modify the above based on any parts that you don't have, like an exact date or a label name, or add parts that you need. Media sources vary widely, especially in who is considered the author. Use the following information from p.341 of the Manual to identify the author:
Film - Director
TV series - Executive producer(s)
TV series episode - Writer and director of episode
Podcast - Host or executive producer
Podcast episode - Host of episode
Webinar - Instructor
Classical music album or song - Composer
Modern music album or song - Recording artist
Artwork - Artist
Online streaming video - Person or group who uploaded the video
Photograph - Photographer
Note: APA does not require format of the film to be specified in the reference, e.g. DVD, streaming, or in a movie theater. Provide information about the format viewed only if the version referenced includes special features (APA p.343).
Parenthetical Citation: “Proceed in an orderly fashion to your nearest stairs and descend to level 40,” illustrates ableism in the architecture of District 13's bunkers (Lawrence, 2014).
Narrative Citation: Mockingjay—Part 1 (Lawrence, 2014) invites us to be appalled at the idea of children fighting to the death, while at the same time inviting us to be riveted to a screen showing us just that.
Note: Films on Demand and Docuseek will not appear in references as they are providers and do not produce content.
Parenthetical Citation: The counselor needs to take into account that Latinos may consider themselves bicultural (Arredondo, 2018).
Narrative Citation: Arredondo states, “It’s absolutely primal - the family system” (2018, 1:12:05).
Parenthetical Citation: Since John Smith wrote the 1624 book recounting his tale after the principal characters were dead, only his perspective remains (Smithsonian, 2017).
Narrative Citation: The Smithsonian’s production casts doubts on the role of Pocahontas in Smith’s rescue (2017)
Note: The year(s) of the original composition are only necessary if different than the release date.
Parenthetical Citation: Pieces of Africa include the basic ensemble of two violins, viola, and cello complemented by an exotic array of African instruments (Maraire, 1989-1991/1992).
Narrative Citation: Abraham Dumisani Maraire (1989-1991/1992) brought together Western and African string instruments.
Notes: The year(s) of original composition, are only necessary if different than the release date.
Omit the recording artist if same as the composer and include only [Song] in the media type.
Include a URL "if that location is the only means of retrieval” (p. 345).
Parenthetical Citation: SistaStrings recorded the anthem “Lift Every Voice and Sing” (Johnson, 1900/2019).
Narrative Citation: SistaStrings recorded their rendition of the poem by James Weldon Johnson (1900/2019) .
see also APA Style Blog, Creative Commons Best Practices for Attribution, and About CC Licenses)
The copyright attribution is used instead of an in-text citation (See APA Style Blog)
If the image states that no attribution is required, then do not provide a reference entry, in-text citation, or attribution statement.
Sources for attribution-free images
Notes: If from a subscription database such as ArtStor, it is not necessary to indicate the database name. Use the physical location of the work of art in the reference. See also APA Style Blog.)
Parenthetical Citation: The shining city is seen in the distance in the painting “Grandma Moses Goes to the Big City” (Grandma Moses, 1946).
Narrative Citation: The excitement of leaving the farm to visit the city is tangible in Grandma Moses’ painting (1946).
Parenthetical Citation: Mitski’s use of a pedal steel guitar is described as dreamy and lachrymose (Sloan & Harding, 2023).
Narrative Citation: Sloan & Harding (2023) don’t generally expect soft and introspective songs to be chart breakers on TikTok.
Parenthetical Citation: There is often disagreement between “objective reality” and “subjective perception” (Bicks & Strachan, 2023).
Narrative Citation: Bricks & Strachan (2023) define and distinguish between “objective reality” and “subjective perception.”
Parenthetical Citation: (U.S. Forest Service & U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2022)
Narrative Citation: The U.S. Forest Service and Department of Agriculture (2022)
Parenthetical Citation: The drive from Whitewater to the destination will take between five and six hours (Google, n.d.).
Narrative Citation: According to Google (n.d.) it will take about five and a half hours to drive to the destination.