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PreK-12 Reading Courses

READING360: Five Broad Literacy Frames

The searches below are merely suggested starting points.

  1. Tap your topic, browse the first set of results.
  2. Modify the search by removing search terms, or adding terms such as "elementary students."
  3. Use the search filters at the left of the results, under the Refine My Results column. 
  4. Look at the Search Starters for topics other than your own, and modify your search based on other examples (models).
  5. Try the same search in a different database listed in the Get Started tab of this guide.

Search Starters: Scientific Reading Vocabulary

The searches below are merely suggested starting points.

  1. Tap your topic, browse the first set of results.
  2. Modify the search by removing search terms, or adding terms such as "elementary students."
  3. Use the search filters at the left of the results, under the Refine My Results column. 
  4. Look at the Search Starters for topics other than your own, and modify your search based on other examples (models).
  5. Try the same search in a different database listed in the Get Started tab of this guide.

Search tips:




Phrases " "phonemic awareness"

Various endings, same root

In this example results will include the words assess, assessment, assessments, assessing

* assess*
Must have ALL words in each result AND “phonemic awareness” AND reading
 Must have AT LEAST ONE of the words/phrases in each result OR instruction OR teaching
Grouping terms ( )   (instruction OR teaching) AND reading
Excluding terms from results: no item will contain this/these terms in the description NOT

NOT "high school"

NOT ("high school" OR college)

For more examples of search construction, see the Boolean Search guide.

Wisconsin Foundations of Reading (WIFOR) Test Prep (Exam code SA190).

As you review test preparation materials, you will find a variety of acronyms that refer to this test: WIFOR, FORT, MTEL, and others.  

The following books and ebooks are available through UW-W Andersen Library: