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A guide to using MRI-Simmons Insights for consumer and market research.

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The Crosstab results are a better way to use Simmons data if you want to make a comparison -- between brands, between consumers of different brands, between consumers and non-consumers of your brand, or anything else. 

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Use the following screenshots and steps to set up a Crosstab, using the Composer function:

1. Go to the Analyze Menu, and select Crosstab:
screen shot of MRI Simmons main menu showing the Analyze menu drop down where the Crosstab link is located

2. Here is an overview of how the Composer page works: 
screen shot of MRI Simmons composer for Cross tabs with a red number 1 on the survey questions column number 2 is on the possible answers column a red arrow points to the third column which has fully framed survey questions and a red number 3 another red arrow points down to the add to bases columns rows feature a red number four on the last colunm where bases can be added to colunms and rows with a blue run report button on the lower right

  1. This column shows the questions asked on the survey. Open the folders and subfolders until you get to see a short text blurb with an open circle next to it. Above, I have selected the amount spent question. This text indicates what the question in the survey was asking. 
  2. This column shows the possible answers to the question above. For Amount Spent, you can see that Simmons has divided up the cash value into lots of possible amount breakdowns. Scroll up and down to see what answers make the most sense for you. Click the checkboxes next to the answers that might interest you. Above, I have selected amount segments of $200-499, and $500-799, and the shopping platform was through the Internet
  3. This column shows the Columns and Rows where you will place the survey answers, in order to set up a crosstab comparison (a table with columns and rows). 
  4. Click, drag, and drop the answers you want from that space over to the Column or the Row where you want it, or choose the question you want and click on either Row or Column to populate it with the parameter you want. 


3. Repeat the steps for the other criteria about the brand, behavior, or media habit you are studying. For example when studying the spending characteristics of people who shop for three specific clothing brands- in the last three months, browse through the questions to find the three brands: 
screen shot of MRI Simmons composer for Cross tabs with a red number 1 in the first column and a red number 2 in the next column
In this screenshot:

  1. In column 1 are multiple questions about purchase types (Subscriptions, Convenience Stores, Department Stores, etc.) made within a shopping setting. I have selected the question for Department, Clothing & Speciality Stores.
  2. In column 2 are multiple brand choices (Herberger's, JCPenney, Kmart, Kohl's, etc.). I have selected an answer choice (any purchase in the past three months) for Abercrombie & Fitch, Aeropostale and Bananna Republic.

4.I will click, drag, and drop the answers into the Column space (3). 
5.On the far right side, you should see the criteria selected so far in these screenshots -- three brand questions in Columns, and the two spending criteria in Rows: 
screen shot of MRI Simmons composer of cross tabs columns and rows
FAQ: Should specific criteria be limited to specific Rows or Columns? A: No, however consistency is recommended. For example all brands can be grouped together in the rows while demographic information could be grouped in the columns. This ensures easier interpretation of the results across the rows or down the columns.

6.Click on the Run Report button at the bottom of the above section. 
7.You should see a Crosstab page like this: 
screen shot of MRI Simmons Cross tab results with a red arrow pointed at the Untitled and save features
A few things to notice: 

  1. Underlining -- the criteria we chose for Rows and Columns. 
  2. Arrow -- you can enter a more detailed crosstab name here if you wish
  3. In each box, you can see five numbers -- Unweighted, Weighted, Vertical, Horizontal, and Index. The numbers each mean something different. Go to the next tab on this guide, Understanding Crosstab Results, to help you interpret them. 
  4. To save this type of report, click on the three dots on the top right and look for the Export button. It will export to SPC, Excel and CSV file formats. 
    screen shot of MRI Simmons Cross tab results export button
    Excel or CSV is recommended to more easily share the results with your group members. 

How do I cite a Crosstab?

Here's an example not from this Kohl's question, but from another Crosstab. Notice how there is no real title besides the title of the dataset used, so you must include several descriptors in [square brackets] that describe the data you retrieved: 

General format: Group or corporate author period open parenthesis survey date close parenthesis in italics title of dataset used non italics open bracket description of variables used close bracket open bracket format close format period database homepage Example description: M R I hyphen Simmons period open parenthesis 2021 close parenthesis period in italics 2021 Spring M R I hyphen Simmons U S A non italics open bracket No period of children currently living at home forward slash hand ampersand body cream comma lotion or oil brand used close bracket open bracket Data set close bracket period  https colon forward slash forward slash www period mrisimmons period com forward slash