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This page has step by step instructions on how to view a quick report on MRI-Simmons

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How to Create a Quick Report

The Quick Reports are an easy entry point into Simmons data. 

Log in to MRI-Simmons Insights. 

Follow the steps outlined on this page to view Quick Reports:

Step 1

Go to the Profile Menu, and select Quick Reports:

screenshot of MRI Simmons main menu showing the Profile menu drop down

Step 2

To create a target, click on the Composer button:screenshot of MRI Simmons starting page showing the quick reports link below the Profile tab in the main menu

Step 3

In Composer, you can search for different parameters or brands by typing it in the Search bar below the Dictionary and Definitions options:

screenshot of MRI Simmons composer page for Quick reports with red arrow pointing to the search barFor example you may be interested in the purchasing habits of consumers of a certain brand such as Kohls.

Step 4

Type in the name of the brand you want to research and look at the question options which pop-up. Don't just choose the first one that pops up, but scroll up and down through the questions and answers to see what is most interesting to you:

screen shot of MRI Simmons composer for Quick Reports with Kohls dot com chosen under shopping: Internet phone and Mail Shopping

Step 5

Select one of the answer choices from below the search box. It should give you a list of brands you can choose from. Here, I have selected Kohl's, which means we will be studying people who have purchased anything at Kohl'

Screen shot of Kohls question selection in MRI Simmons composer for Quick Reports which reads Shopping colon Internet forward slash phone ampersand mail shopping forward slash brand consumer underscore Kohls dot com

Step 6

6.Drag the question into the Target box and choose 'Create':

 screen shot of target box from MRI Simmons composer for Quick Reports containing the target question and a red arrow point to the button labeled Create

Step 7

You should see a Quick Reports overview page like the following:

Screen shot of MRI Simmons Quick Reports overview data page with the demographics, segmentations, psychographics, Geographic heat map, media usage, Traditional digital and OOH media Social Media Usage buttons highlightedClick on each of the buttons to view a quick snap shot of the target audience's Demographics, Segmentations, Psychographics, Media Usage, etc. 

Step 8

For example the following is a quick snap shot of the demographics of consumers who buy through

Screen shot of MRI Simmons Quick Reports demographics data page with gender, age, race, ethnicity, household and household income information for consumers who shop via internet, phone and mail on Kohls dot com

Save Your Data

To save this type of report, click on the three dots on the top right corner of the data box for the Export button. It will export to Excel or Power point:

 screenshot of MRI Simmons Quick Reports export funtion. 

OK, that's an interesting snapshot. But how do I know how my brand's customers compare to my competitor brand's customers, or some other group?

For that, you need to use the Crosstab function. Go to the page labeled 'Crosstabs' on this guide for directions on how to do that. 

Cite Simmons Quick Reports

The following is an example of how to cite a Quick Reports demographic profile in APA. Notice how there is no real title besides the title of the dataset, so you must include several descriptors in [square brackets] that describe the data you retrieved: 

General format: Group or corporate author period open parenthesis survey date close parenthesis period in italics title of dataset used non italics open bracket description of variables used close bracket open bracket format close bracket period database homepage Example description: M R I hyphen Simmons period open parenthesis 2021 close parenthesis period in italics Spring 2021 MRI hyphen Simmons Connect non italics open bracket Repondent: College or university student close bracket open bracket Quick report colon Social media activity profile close bracket period   https colon forward slash forward slash www period mrisimmons period com forward slash

Quick Reports Video Tutorial