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How to Find Teaching Resources in the Library

This guide describes the teaching resources available in Andersen Library and the PK-12 Curriculum Collection. as well as how to locate them. In addition, it provides direction to locating online information such as article databases and useful websites.

Find the Full Text

Option 1:

To access the full text of an article, tap Download PDF, View Online,  or Online Access; or tap  Find It button to determine whether UW-W Library patrons have access to it via a different database or Interlibrary Loan. Here's how:

watch a brief tutorialHow to Use Find It: Step by Step

Option 2:

Use the Journals search to find out whether we have access to a particular journal or magazine:

screenshot of journal search button

Option 3:

If you know the DOI

Lookup a journal article by DOI or PMID

Journals in Education

Locating Journals: In Print and Online

Search the Journals holdings from the Library Homepage  to find out whether we have access to a particular journal in print or online.

Browsing Journals in Print


Current issues of a number of popular magazine titles are located on the second floor near the Food for Thought Cafe. The majority of the Periodicals Collection is located on the first floor. While many publishers provide online formats to which the library subscribes, and while many scholarly articles may be available through library databases, some must still be accessed in hard copy until the publishers release them for dissemination online.

Older issues are located in the Bound Periodicals section of the first floor.Browse the most current issues of journals and magazines in the current periodicals section on the first floor.

This is a sample of titles related to education to which the library subscribes and continues to receive paper copies. You will find these and others on the Current Periodicals shelves:

  • Children's Literature in Education
  • Social Education
  • Journal of Research in Childhood Education
  • Journal of Mathematics Education
  • Innovative Higher Education
  • English Journal
  • ELT Journal