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How to Find Teaching Resources in the Library

This guide describes the teaching resources available in Andersen Library and the PK-12 Curriculum Collection. as well as how to locate them. In addition, it provides direction to locating online information such as article databases and useful websites.

Welcome to Andersen Library's Curriculum Collection

The Curriculum Collection is intended to support coursework and research dealing with PK-12 curriculum objectives as well as children's and young adult literature.

The Collection contains a representative collection of PK-12 instructional materials, including children's and young adult fiction and non-fiction, models, kits, games, children’s CD’s and DVD’s, PK-12 textbooks, tests, and curriculum guides. While it primarily serves the educational and instructional needs of pre-service teachers, the materials in the collection are also used by faculty and students of several departments, in-service teachers and the general public. Professional development materials, such as those which present teaching strategies and methodology, are located in the Main Collection. This LibGuide will help you locate teaching materials in the Curriculum Collection as well as in the Main Collection.

Policies: Curriculum Collection


The primary purpose of the Curriculum Collection is to support coursework and research dealing with children's and young adult literature.  Several university departments make use of this collection and it contains a variety of representative materials to support their curricula. 
In addition, university and community patrons are invited to use the Curriculum Collection with children under their supervision.floors that teach


The Curriculum Collection contains a small, representative collection of children's and young adult fiction and non-fiction, models, kits, games, children’s CD’s and DVD’s, PK-12 textbooks, tests, and curriculum guides. Books for the Juvenile Fiction, Non-Fiction and Easy Book collections are selected based on recommendations by faculty, by the education librarian, and from award winning book lists.

Borrowing Materials:

A valid university ID Card (HawkCard) or Community Borrower's Card is required to check out materials. If faculty members wish to designate a student or staff member to borrow materials on their behalf, they may submit a Designated User Permission application.  Lending policies and loan periods for Curriculum Collection materials are the same as those for other Library collections.

Adult Supervision:

As with all Andersen Library collections, the Curriculum Collection is open to the public; however, children under the age of 16 may not use the Library without accompanying adult supervision. Adult supervision in the Curriculum Collection is equally important as materials for all pre-K through 12th graders are housed in the Collection and, as a result, not all may be appropriate for our youngest visitors. The adults accompanying young children bear the responsibility of monitoring the appropriateness of materials the children use.

While moderate conversation and activity is allowed on the 2nd floor, we ask that the accompanying adults actively monitor their children’s behavior and volume in order to maintain an atmosphere conducive to study. Accompanying adults are requested to take disruptive children outside of the Library. Library staff reserve the right to request a child’s accompanying adult to do so. In the best interest of all Library users, we kindly request cooperation in this regard.

Care of Materials:

Place all items used in the return cart in the Curriculum Collection. Please do not re-shelve any items.  All loose or misplaced items from teaching tools, such as puzzle or game pieces, should be placed on the return cart.

Please handle library materials with care. If materials are found damaged or incomplete, please bring them to the circulation desk for repair. 

Food and drink may damage library materials and are not permitted in the Curriculum Collection.  Arrangements for special events where refreshments are served may be made in advance with the education librarian.

Group Visits for Children:

Schools and other organizations who wish to bring groups of children to visit the Curriculum Collection are requested to schedule visits in advance by contacting Ellen Latorraca, Education Librarian, at, or 262-472-5525.

Fridays, except those nearing the end of semesters, are the best days to bring groups of children to the Library. Please advise the education librarian if special services or accommodations are needed.

When feasible, the education librarian may arrange a tour, book talk, or story time. Story time activities may incorporate music, movement, or a craft, based on a theme of choice, and may be presented in English or Spanish.  Contact the education librarian at least two weeks prior to a visit to plan additional activities. 

UW-Whitewater Libraries Collection Policies

See section F for Curriculum Collection