This example shows book citations, but the rule applies to all source types.
Replace author name(s) with dash dash dash.
Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:
"Wisconsin produces many original cheeses, including Muenster, Colby, Colby-Monterey Jack, Airco, Cupola, Marbled Blue-Jack, Brick, and cheese curds" (Tutola, Pauper, Brawler 49).
"Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (Tutola, The Witch-Herbalist 26).
Author Name(s) in Your Text. Add start of title to differentiate works with the same author(s):
According to Tutola, "Wisconsin produces two original cheeses, Colby and Brick" (Pauper, Brawler 49).
According to Tutola, "Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (The Witch-Herbalist 26).