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MLA Style

A guide to MLA formatting, in-text citation, and the Works Cited list

Web Sources

Key Elements Journal Article Blog
Web Page Newspaper Article Video
Entire Web Site Magazine Article Government Document

Key Elements

  1. Author
  2. "Web page title" (in quotes)
  3. Web site title (italicized)
  4. Publisher (if none, do not include)
  5. Date of last update (if none, do not include)
  6. Web site title (italicized) and either:
    • ​​DOI
    • Web site URL (no http) and date accessed

Web Page (p. 28)

Put quotes around the title of the Web page and italicize the Web site. Include the Web site URL and the date you accessed it.

Folsom comma Ed comma and Kenneth M period Price comma editors period quotation mark Whitman the Fiction Writer period quotation mark The Walt Whitman Archive comma U of Nebraska-Lincoln comma www dot whitmanarchive dot org/biography/walt_whitman/index dot html period Accessed 23 Sep period 2016 period

No Author (p. 24)

Begin with the Web page title.

“English Civil Wars period quotation mark Encylopaedia Britannica Online period Encylopaedia Britannica comma 12 Feb period 2016 comma www dot britannica dot com/event/English-Civil-Wars period Accessed 3 Oct period 2016 period

Entire Web Site (p. 28)

After the author's name, list the Web site's name in italics. Include the date of last update and the Web site URL, and date you accessed it.

American Memory Project period Library of Congress comma memory dot loc dot gov/ammem/index dot html period Accessed 31 Aug period 2016 period

Journal Article (p. 27)

List the article title in quotes after the author. The journal title goes after the article title and is italicized. After the publication date, include the Web site name in italics, then the DOI. No DOI? Include the Web link to the article and the date you accessed it.

Connaway comma Lynn comma and Heather Wicht period quotation mark What Happened to the E-book Revolution? colon The Gradual Integration of E-books into Academic Libraries period quotation mark Journal of Electronic Publishing comma vol period 10 comma no period 3 comma 2007 period Michigan Libraries Digital Collections comma doi colon 10.3998/3336451.0010.302

Newspaper Article (p. 27)

List the article title in quotes after the author. The newspaper title goes after the article title and is italicized. After the publication date, include the Web site name in italics, then the DOI. No DOI? Include the Web link to the article and the date you accessed it.

Witt comma Gerald period quotation mark Knox County Schools Reserve Expected To Grow period quotation mark Knoxville News-Sentinel comma 29 Sep period 2016 comma www dot knoxnews dot com/news/local/knox-county-schools-reserve-expected-to-grow-3da854ca-79f2-252c-e053-0100007f25e7-395300581 dot html period Accessed 3 Oct period 2016 period

Magazine Article (p. 27)

List the article title in quotes after the author. The magazine title goes after the article title and is italicized. After the publication date, include the Web site name in italics, then the DOI. No DOI? Include the Web link to the article and the date you accessed it.

Gladwell comma Malcolm period quotation mark The Courthouse Ring period quotation mark The New Yorker comma vol period 85 comma no period 24 comma 10 Aug period 2009 comma p period 26 comma www dot newyorker dot com/magazine/2009/08/10/the-courthouse-ring period Accessed 3 Oct period 2016 period

Blog (p. 28)

List the article title in quotes after the author. The blog title goes after the article title and is italicized. After the publication date, include the Web link to the article.
Updike comma David period quotation mark A Toast to the Visible World colon Remembering John Updike period quotation mark New York Times comma 10 Aug period 2009 comma artsbeat dot blogs dot nytimes dot com/2009/08/10/a-toast-to-the-visible-world-remembering-john-updike/?_r=0 period Accessed on Oct period 2016 period

Video (p. 33)

List the author of the video, if none, start with the video's title. Author and uploader the same? Only list it as author. After the video title, include the Web site title in italics, uploader, upload date, and Web site URL

Harvey comma Sheridan period quotation mark Rosie the Riveter colon Real Women Workers in World War II period quotation mark YouTube comma uploaded by LibraryOfCongress comma 10 Feb period 2009 comma www dot youtube dot com/watch?v=04VNBM1PqR8 period Accessed on Oct period 2016 period

Government Document (p. 104-5)

List the name of the government first (ex. United States), then the department. Spell out "Government Printing Office."

United States comma Department of Labor period The Employment Situation period Government Printing Office comma 2016 comma www dot bls dot gov/news.release/pdf/empsit.pdf period Accessed 3 Oct period 2016 period