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Turabian Style

Government Documents

Examples in this guide are provided for footnote citations (N) and bibliography (B). Footnotes and bibliography format contain most of the same elements but are formatted slightly differently.  For example, notes use paragraph (first line) indentation, and the bibliography entries use hanging indents. If you cite one source multiple times, you may use shortened notes for citations after the first one -- see directions here.

Jump to specific examples in the table below: 

Reports and Documents Statutes                  Treaties                  

Reports and Documents

For Congressional publications, include the number of the Congress and session. End with URL if sources are consulted online.


20 period Select Committee on Homeland Security comma Homeland Security Act of 2002 comma 107th Cong period comma 2d sess period comma 2002 comma HR Rep period 107-609 comma pt period 1 comma 11-12 period

US Congress period House of Representatives period Select Committee on Homeland Security period Homeland Security Act of 2002 period 107th Cong period comma 2d sess period comma 2002 period HR Rep period 107-609 comma pt period 1 perio



Statutes are bills and resolutions that have been passed into law. Cite statutes in notes only; you do not need to include them in your bibliography.


22 period Atomic Energy Act of 1946 comma Public Law 585 comma 79th Cong period comma 2d sess period  parenthesis August 1 comma 1946 parenthesis  comma 19 period



If the parties subject to the treaty are not named in the title, list their abbreviations separated by hyphens.


23 period  Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere comma in Outer Space comma and Under Water comma US-UK-USSR comma August 5 comma 1963 comma UST 14 comma pt period 2 comma 1313 period


United States period Treaty Banning Nuclear Weapon Tests in the Atmosphere comma in Outer Space comma and Under Water comma US-UK-USSR comma August 5 comma 1963 comma UST 14 comma pt period 2 period


For treaties in Kappler’s Indian Affairs, cite the treaty like a section in a book.


24 period  quotation mark Articles of a treaty between the United States and the Cherokee Indians comma October 24 comma 1804 comma quotation mark  in Indian Affairs colon Laws and Treaties comma ed period Charles J period Kappler  parenthesis Washington comma D period C period  colon Government Printing Office comma 1904 parenthesis  comma 2 colon 73 period


quotation mark Articles of a treaty between the United States and the Cherokee Indians comma October 24 comma 1804 period quotation mark  In Indian Affairs colon Laws and Treaties comma edited by Charles J period Kappler comma vol period 4 comma 73-74 period Washington comma D period C period  colon Government Printing Office comma 1904 period