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Reference and Sacred Works

Examples in this guide are provided for footnote citations (N) and bibliography (B). Footnotes and bibliography format contain most of the same elements but are formatted slightly differently.  For example, notes use paragraph (first line) indentation, and the bibliography entries use hanging indents. If you cite one source multiple times, you may use shortened notes for citations after the first one .

Common Reference Works

Well-known reference works should be cited only in notes, unless they are critical to an argument or frequently cited. The note may omit facts of publication but should specify a particular edition if available. If consulted online, include a URL. If the work is arranged by key terms, cite the key term entry, not volumes or pages, preceded by s.v. (for sub verbo, “under the word”) or s.vv. (plural). 


General format: note number period in italics reference work title comma non italics open quotes key term entry comma close quotes date accessed comma U R L period Example description: 16 period in italics Oxford English Dictionary comma non italics s period v period open quotes ROFL comma close quotes accessed March 9 comma 2017 comma http colon forward slash forward slash www period oed period com forward slash view forward slash Entry forward slash 156942 hash eid12111161030 period

Less Well-Known Reference Works 


General format: note number period editor first name last name comma in italics reference work title comma non italics edition comma open quotes key term entry close quotes open parenthesis location colon publisher comma publication year close parenthesis period Example description: 17 period  S period J period Connolly comma ed period comma in italics The Oxford Companion to Irish History comma non italics 2nd ed period comma  s period v period open quotes Houghers close quotes open parenthesis New York colon Oxford University comma 2002 close parenthesis period


General format: Editor last name comma first name period in italics reference work title comma non italics edition comma open quotes key term entry period close quotes location colon publisher comma publication period Example description: Connolly comma S period J period comma ed period in italics The Oxford Companion to Irish History comma non italics 2nd ed period comma s period v period open quotes Houghers period close quotes New York colon Oxford University Press comma 2002 period

The Bible and Sacred Texts


General format: note number book chapter colon verse period Example description: 33 period  2 Kings 11 colon 8 period


General format: note number period title chapter colon verse period Example description: 34 period Quran 7 colon 143 period