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Examples in this guide are provided for footnote citations (N) and bibliography (B). Footnotes and bibliography format contain most of the same elements but are formatted slightly differently.  For example, notes use paragraph (first line) indentation, and the bibliography entries use hanging indents. If you cite one source multiple times, you may use shortened notes for citations after the first one.

Journal Articles 

Omit an initial The from the titles of journals, magazines, and English-language newspapers.

Turabian requires citations include a DOI or URL at the end of a the citation for articles accessed in an online database.  However, most of your History professors prefer a citation without any DOI or URL.  If you have questions, please consult your professor.

N: List author's name in standard order (first name first).

General format: note number period author first name last name comma open quotes article title comma close quotes in italics journal title non italics volume number comma issue number open parenthesis date close parenthesis colon page number period Example description: 21 period Tim Hitchcock comma open quotes Begging on the Streets of Eighteenth-Century London comma close quotes in italics Journal of British Studies non italics 44 comma no period 3  open parenthesis July 2005 close parenthesis colon 478 period

B: Include the author's surname and then first name and middle initial.

General format: Author last name comma first name period open quotes article title period close quotes in italics journal title non italics volume comma issue number open parenthesis date close parenthesis colon page numbers Example description: Hitchcock comma Tim period open quotes Begging on the Streets of Eighteenth hyphen Century London period close quotes in italics Journal of British Studies non italics 44 comma no period 3 open parenthesis July 2005 close parenthesis colon 478 hyphen 498 period

Magazine Articles 

Put the first-listed author's name in inverted order (last name first). Names of any additional author should follow and not be inverted. Use "and" rather than & or other formats to separate author names.


General format: note number period author first name last name comma open quotes article title comma close quotes in italics magazine title comma non italics date comma page numbers period Example description: 22 period Jill Lepore comma open quotes The Woman Card comma close quotes in italics New Yorker, comma non italics June 27 comma 2016 comma 23 period


General format: author last name comma first name period open quotes article title period close quotes in italics magazine title comma non italics date period Example description: Lepore comma Jill period open quotes The Woman Card period close quotes in italics New Yorker comma non italics June 27 comma 2016 period

Newspaper Articles

When the name of a local newspaper does not include the name of the city it may be added to the official title, and you also may add the state or province in parentheses. For foreign newspapers, give the name of the city (or for national-level papers, the country) in parentheses after the title. For example, Saint Paul (Alberta or AB) Journal; Times (UK).

From a database:


General format: note number period author first name last name comma open quotes article title comma close quotes in italics newspaper title non italics comma date period Example description: 23 period Mark Lepage comma open quotes Armageddon comma Apocalypse comma the Rapture colon People Have Been Predicting the End since the Beginning comma close quotes in italics Gazette non italics open parenthesis Montreal close parenthesis comma May 21 comma 2011 period


General format: Author last name comma first name period open quotes article title period close quotes in italics newspaper title comma non italics date period Example description: Lepage comma Mark period open quotes Armageddon comma Apocalypse comma the Rapture colon People Have Been Predicting the End since the Beginning period close quotes in italics Gazette non italics open parenthesis Montreal close parenthesis comma May 21 comma 2011 period

No author:


General format: note number open quotes article title comma close quotes in italics newspaper title comma date period Example description: 24 period open quotes State Normal School comma close quotes Milwaukee Daily News comma April 4 comma 1868 period


General format: open quotes article title period close quotes in italics newspaper title comma non italics date Example description: open quotes State Normal School period close quotes in italics Milwaukee Daily News comma non italics April 4 comma 1868 period