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Examples in this guide are provided for footnote citations (N) and bibliography (B). Footnotes and bibliography format contain most of the same elements but are formatted slightly differently.  For example, notes use paragraph (first line) indentation, and the bibliography entries use hanging indents. If you cite one source multiple times, you may use shortened notes for citations after the first one.

Location is the city where the publisher’s main editorial offices are located. If more than one city is given, use the first.

Omit from publisher names an initial The and abbreviations such as Co., Inc., or Ltd.

One Author

N: List author's names in standard order (first name first).

General format: note number period. Author first name last name comma in italics Book title open parenthesis location colon publisher comma publication year close parenthesis comma page numbers period Example description: number one period G. J. Baker-Benfield comma in italics Abigail and John Adams colon The Americanization of Sensibility non italics open parenthesis Chicago colon University of Chicago Press comma 2010 close parenthesis comma 499 period

B: Include the author's surname and then first name and middle initial.

General format: Author last name comma first name period in italics book title period location colon publisher comma publication year period Example description: Baker hyphen Benfield comma G period J period in italics Abigail and John Adams colon The Americanization of Sensibility period non italics Chicago colon University of Chicago Press comma 2010 period

Two-Three Authors 

In the Bibliography, put the first-listed author's name in inverted order (last name first). Names of any additional author should follow and not be inverted. Use "and" rather than & or other formats to separate author names.


General format: note number period  first author first name last name and second author first name last name comma in italics book title non italics open parenthesis location colon publisher comma publication year close parenthesis comma page numbers period.  Example description: number two period. Donald R period Kinder and Allison Dale hyphen Riddle comma in italics The End of Race question mark Obama comma 2008 comma and Racial Politics in America non italics open parenthesis New Haven comma C T colon Yale University Press comma 2012 close parenthesis comma 47 period


General format: first author last name comma first name comma and second author first name  last name period. In italics book title period. Non italics location colon publisher comma publication year period.  Example description: Kinder comma Donald R period comma and Allison Dale hyphen Riddle period in italics The End of Race question mark Obama comma 2008 comma and Racial Politics in America period non italics New Haven comma CT colon Yale University Press comma 2012 period

More than Three Authors

If the work has more than three authors, list only the first author in the Note followed by et al.


General format: note number period first author first name last name et al period comma in italics book title non italics open parenthesis location colon publisher comma publication year close parenthesis comma page numbers period Example description: number 4 period  Jay M period Bernstein et al period comma in italics Art and Aesthetics from Adorno non italics open parenthesis Berkeley colon Doreen B. Townsend Center for the Humanities comma 2010 close parenthesis comma 114-15 period

B:  The bibliography should contain all authors. Put the first-listed author's name in inverted order (last name first). Names of any additional authors should follow and not be inverted. Use "and" rather than & or other formats to separate author names.

General format: first author last name comma first name comma second author first name last name comma third author first name last name comma and fourth author first name last name period. In italics book title period non italics location colon publisher comma publication year period Example description: Bernstein comma J period M period comma  Claudia Brodsky comma Anthony J period Cascardi comma thierry de Duve comma  Ales Erjavec comma Robert Kaufman comma and Fred Rush period in italics Art and Aesthetics After Adorno period non italics Berkeley colon Doreen B period Townsend Center for the Humanities comma 2010 period

Corporate Author or Organization


General format: note number period corporate author comma in italics book title non italics open parenthesis location colon publisher comma publication year close parenthesis comma page numbers period  Example description: number 5 period National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States comma in italics The 9/11 Commission Report non italics open parenthesis New York colon W period W period Norton comma 2004 close parenthesis comma 44 period


General format: Corporate author period in italics book title period non italics. Location colon publisher comma publication year period Example description: National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States period in italics The 9 forward slash 11 Commission Report period non italics  New York colon W period W period Norton comma 2004 period


Electronic books are cited just like print books. Put the first-listed author's name in inverted order (last name first). Names of any additional author should follow and not be inverted. Separate names by commas except for the last and second to last author which are separated with an "and."

In addition, you will need to include information about the format you consulted the e-book. At the end, include a DOI. Turabian recommends that DOIs be formatted as such: But DOIs starting with, or with just doi:10.xxxx/xxxxx, will also continue to work -- the https: simply makes it more secure and easier to be recognized as a functioning link.

If there is no DOI, include the ​ebook's URL address if it is a stable URL.


General format: note number period author first name last name comma in italics book title non italics open parenthesis location colon publisher comma publication close parenthesis comma page numbers comma U R L or digital object identifier.  Example description: number 6 period Janet M period Davis comma in italics The Gospel of Kindness colon Animal Welfare and the Making of Modern America non italics open parenthesis Oxford colon Oxford University Press comma 2016 close parenthesis comma 144 hyphen 145 comma https colon forward slash forward slash doi period org forward slash 10 period 1093 forward slash acprof colon 050 forward slash 9780199733156 period 001 period 0001 period


General format: author last name comma first name period in italics book title period non italics location colon publisher comma publication period URL or Digital object identifier period Example description: Davis comma Janet M period in italics The Gospel of Kindness colon Animal Welfare and the Making of Modern America period non italics Oxford colon Oxford University Press comma 2016 period https colon forward slash forward slash doi period org forward slash 10 period 1093 forward slash acprof colon 050 forward slash 9780199733156 period 001 period 0001 period