Examples in this guide are provided for footnote citations (N) and bibliography (B). Footnotes and bibliography format contain most of the same elements but are formatted slightly differently. For example, notes use paragraph (first line) indentation, and the bibliography entries use hanging indents. If you cite one source multiple times, you may use shortened notes for citations after the first one.
Location is the city where the publisher’s main editorial offices are located. If more than one city is given, use the first.
Omit from publisher names an initial The and abbreviations such as Co., Inc., or Ltd.
N: List author's names in standard order (first name first).
B: Include the author's surname and then first name and middle initial.
In the Bibliography, put the first-listed author's name in inverted order (last name first). Names of any additional author should follow and not be inverted. Use "and" rather than & or other formats to separate author names.
If the work has more than three authors, list only the first author in the Note followed by et al.
B: The bibliography should contain all authors. Put the first-listed author's name in inverted order (last name first). Names of any additional authors should follow and not be inverted. Use "and" rather than & or other formats to separate author names.
Electronic books are cited just like print books. Put the first-listed author's name in inverted order (last name first). Names of any additional author should follow and not be inverted. Separate names by commas except for the last and second to last author which are separated with an "and."
In addition, you will need to include information about the format you consulted the e-book. At the end, include a DOI. Turabian recommends that DOIs be formatted as such: https://doi.org/10.xxxx/xxxxx. But DOIs starting with http://dx.doi.org, or with just doi:10.xxxx/xxxxx, will also continue to work -- the https: simply makes it more secure and easier to be recognized as a functioning link.
If there is no DOI, include the ebook's URL address if it is a stable URL.