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APA Case Study Template

Chapter in a Book

Chapter or Section 

If you are citing a specific chapter or section of an edited book, list the author of that section first. Include information such as page numbers, edition and volume numbers after the title of the book.

General format: Chapter author last name comma first initials period. open parenthesis publication date close parenthesis period. chapter title period. In Editor last name comma first initials period. Open parenthesis capital E d s period close parenthesis comma, in italics book title non italics open parenthesis edition period comma chapter page numbers close parenthesis period. Publisher period. Example description: Douglas comma S period comma lanko comma F period comma ampersand Buchholz comma R period. Open parenthesis 2022 close parenthesis period. Developing your career colon A lifelong quest period In Matthews comma M period comma Werner comma J period comma ampersand Woletz comma J period. Open parenthesis Eds period close parenthesis comma in italics Business and Society colon Building skills and awareness for the workplace non italics open parenthesis 2nd ed period comma  pp period 43 hyphen 53 close parenthesis period Cognella Academic Publishing period

In-text Citation

Parenthetical Citation:  Effective written and oral communication are essential skills expected by employers (Douglas et al., 2022).

Narrative Citation: Douglas et al., (2022) explain that effective written and oral communication are essential skills expected by employers.  

See other book citation examples here:

Webpage with Corporate or Group Author

Author same as the Source

It is more common to see a corporate author who is also the publisher of the webpage. In such cases, leave out the Source or Publisher element if it is virtually the same as the Author. Please note that if there is no publication date provide, the abbreviation n.d. for no date should be inserted in the place where the date should be.

General format: Corporate author and publisher period open parenthesis date close parenthesis period in italics webpage title period non italics friendly U R L Example description: The Culture Factor group period open parenthesis 2023 comma october 16 close parenthesis period in italics Country comparison tool period non italics https colon forward slash forward slash www period hofstede hyphen insights period com forward slash country hyphen comparison hyphen tool

In-text Citation

Parenthetical Citation: Compared to the United States, the interests of the group are given greater importance in China (The Culture Factor Group, 2023).

Narrative Citation: According to the Culture Factor Group (2023) the interest of the group are given greater importance in Chinese culture as compared to the United States.  


Corporate office, or organization as an author 

Often for governmental sources, you will have multiple "layers" of offices in the Source / Publisher position, separated by a comma. The most immediate office responsible for writing the content is the Author, and the parent offices are the Source. 

General format: Corporate author period open parenthesis date close parenthesis period in italics webpage title non italics publisher period friendly U R L Example description: GLOBE period open parenthesis 2004 close parenthesis period in italics Global leadership and organizational behavior effectiveness period non italics GLOBE Foundation period https colon forward slash forward slash globeproject period com forward slash results forward slash

In-text Citation

Parenthetical Citation: At at score of 5.8, China scores very high in the in-group collectivism category (GLOBE, 2004).

Narrative Citation: According to the GLOBE (2004) project, China scores very high in the in-group collectivism category.

See other website citation examples here:

Unpublished Work

For an unpublished work, describe the status of the work along with the appropriate descriptor of the work in square brackets. 

General format: Author last name comma first initials open parenthesis date close parenthesis period in italics title non italics open bracket resource description close bracket period source Example description: Peetz comma M period comma ampersand Jensen comma C period open parenthesis 2024 close parenthesis period in italics Case study colon Global food safety non italics open bracket Unpublished case study close bracket period. Department of Management comma University of Wisconsin hyphen Whitewater period

In-text Citation

Parenthetical Citation: The COVID 19 pandemic acted as a catalyst to increase the awareness of food safety on a global level (Peetz & Jensen, 2024). 

Narrative Citation: Peetz & Jensen (2024) state that the COVID 19 pandemic acted as a catalyst to increase the awareness of global food safety. 

For help citing all the unusual Business databases, visit this page:

Government Report

In governmental reports, you can have multiple "levels," or offices/departments, in the Source element, separated by a comma.

The Author is the office that was most directly responsible for creating the content, and any parent offices are the Source. If you aren't sure which office created the content, look on Google or on their general webpage to figure out the structure -- which office is "under" another office?

General format: Corporate author period open parenthesis date close parenthesis period in italics report title period non italics parent body as source period friendly U R L Example description: The Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party period open parenthesis 2023 close parenthesis period Fast fashion and the Uyghur genocide colon Interim findings period US House of Representatives period https colon forward slash forward slash selectcommitteeontheccp period house period gov forward slash sites forward slash evo hyphen subsites forward slash selectcommitteeontheccp period house period gov forward slash files forward slash evo hyphen media hyphen document forward slash fast hyphen fashion hyphen and hyphen the hyphen uyghur hyphen genocide hyphen interim hyphen findings period pdf

In-text Citation

Parenthetical Citation: Temu does not audit the sellers on its platform to ensure that they comply with its "Third Party Code of Conduct" policy (The Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party, 2023).

Narrative Citation: According to the Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party (2023) Temu does not audit the sellers on its platform to ensure that they comply with its "Third Party Code of Conduct" policy.

See other article citation examples here: