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Doctorate of Business Administration

An online research guide for students pursuing a Doctorate in Business Administration


Welcome, DBA Students!

Off-campus Access

All of our databases are available from anywhere in the world with your UWW Net-ID (unless otherwise noted on our databases page; very rare). 

To get free access, make sure you start from and use either our Research@UWW one-box search tool, or use the Articles/Databases or Journals buttons. 

If something is giving you an error or asking for payment when it seems we should have access, please let me know so I can try to troubleshoot it. 

Free repositories

Many people start their searches at Google Scholar, because it's such a huge repository of articles, patents, some e-books, and more; bigger than any one library database. The disadvantage is that often, articles on the web are not free. 

Don't pay for articles! First, link your Google Scholar to UW-Whitewater's library as shown in this video: 

Finally, if you still find articles on Google Scholar that are not held at UW-Whitewater, request them via InterLibrary Loan -- see above.

Another source similar to Google Scholar, but specialized for business, is the Business Network, part of the Digital Commons Network:

Open Access and Gray Literature