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Unpublished (Not Publicly Available)

These are:

  • Not published by a traditional or vanity publisher
  • Not usually or readily available to others

They follow the same basic MLA citation format, however, you may not have all the regular elements. If, for example, you don't know the date you would leave it off.

Some examples are:

  • A document or slides created for you by your instructor that you access through Canvas
  • An assignment or worksheet handed out in class
  • Personal communications such as e-mails, texts, letters, and interviews
  • Unpublished dissertations or theses
  • Gray literature

Personal Communication (Interview, Letter, E-Mail, Text, etc.) [5.23]

  1. Person being interviewed/creator of the communication
  2. Method/type of communication
  3. Interviewer/receiver of the communication
  4. Date of communication

Interview, Personal

General Format: Interviewee last name, interviewee first initial, interviewee middle name period. Interview with the author period. Day abbreviated month and year of publication period.  Description of Citation: Bobbins I I I comma, H period Robert period. Interview with the author period. 9 Sept period 2024 period.


Classroom Materials

Materials, such as an assignment prompt, given to you in print in class or uploaded to your learning management system (Canvas) are only available to you and others in your class. Since they were not published and are not readily available to others, include details to help clarify that.  

Classroom Materials, Print

  1. Author
  2. Title of Classroom Material
  3. Educational Institution
  4. Date

General Format:  Corporate author period. open quotation marks title in title case colon subtitle in title case period close quotation marks. Educational institution comma publication day abbreviated month period year period.   Description of Citation: U W dash Whitewater Libraries period open quotation marks Information Chart colon Timeliness v s period Depth of Analysis in title case period close quotation marks U of Wisconsin dash Whitewater comma 29 Dec period 2023 period.

Classroom Materials, in Canvas

  1. Title of Classroom Material
  2. Course Title
  3. Instructor
  4. Canvas (Learning Management System)
  5. Educational Institution
  6. Date
  7. URL

General Format:  Open quotation marks Title of classroom material in title case period close quotation marks. Course title in title case comma taught by instructor first name instructor last name period. Name of learning management system in title case and italics comma name of university with the letter U substituted for the word university, publication day abbreviated month period space year comma U R L period.  Description of Citation:  Open quotation marks Week One in title case period close quotation marks. Introduction to College Writing, Reading, and Research in title case comma taught by Juanita Perez period. Canvas in title case and italics comma,  U of Wisconsin dash Whitewater, 3 Sept period 2024 comma uwwtw period instructure period com forward slash courses forward slash 32763 forward slash files forward slash 78615818 question mark module underscore item underscore id equal sign 23822334 period.