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Film, in a Database

Key Elements for Container 1:

  1. Film Title (italicized)
  2. Director
  3. Optional: Contributors (actors, producers, writers, etc.)
  4. Production company
  5. Year originally released

List other primary contributors, such as actors, producers, writers, etc., after the director's name if they are mentioned in your paper.

General Format:  Video title colon video subtitle in title case and italics period. Produced and edited by first name last name Paul comma production company comma publication year period. Database title in italics comma stable link provided by the database.  Description of Citation: Buffalo Soldiers colon Fighting on Two Fronts in title case and italics period. Produced and edited by Hannah Paul comma Black Bald Films comma 2023 period. Films on Demand in italics comma fod period infobase period com forward slash PortalPlaylists period aspx question mark wID equals sign 102639 ampersand xtid equals sign 293769 period.

In-text Citation

Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:

"Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (Buffalo Soldiers 01:21:59).

Author Name(s) in Your Text

According to Buffalo Soldiers, "Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (01:21:59).

Streaming Video

Key Elements:

  1. Author/Presenter
  2. "Video Title" (in quotation marks)
  3. Web Site Title (italicized)
  4. Uploader
  5. Upload date
  6. Web site URL or permanent link

Video (Lecture), Streamed on a Sharing Site

General Format:  Presenter’s last name comma presenter’s first name period. Open quotation marks video title in title case period close quotation marks. website in italics comma uploaded by name of organization that uploaded the video comma publication month abbreviated period year comma friendly u r l period  Description of Citation: Maes comma Pattie period. open quotation marks Unveiling Game hyphen changing Wearable Tech period close quotation marks. YouTube in italics comma uploaded by TED comma 10 Mar period 2009 comma youtu period be forward slash nZ hyphen VjUKAsao period.

In-text Citation

Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:

"Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (Maes 00:09:59).

Author Name(s) in Your Text

According to Maes, "Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (​00:09:59).

Audio Recording (Music and Voice)

Key Elements for Container 1:

  1. Artist
  2. "Song Title" (in quotation marks)
  3. Album Title (italicized)
  4. Record company
  5. Publication year

For online music, after the publication year, include the Web site name in italics, then the URL

For music in a database, after the city of publication year, include the database in title case and italics, then the permanent link to the music.

For music on a physical medium, after the publication year include the medium if relevant.

Entire Album, Physical Format

General Format: Singer’s name period Album title in title case and italics period. recording label period. Publication date period. C D period. (The medium of the recording is optional.)  Description of Citation: Beyoncé period Lemonade in title case and italics period Legacy Recordings period. 2016 period. C D period.

In-text Citation

Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:

One key theme of the album is Wisconsin's native cheeses (Beyoncé).

Author Name(s) in Your Text

One key theme of Beyoncé's album is Wisconsin's native cheeses.

Single Song/File, from an Album, Streamed on an App

General Format: Singer’s last name comma singer’s first name period. Open quotation marks song title in title case period close quotation marks. Album title in title case and italics comma recording label comma publication date period. App name in title case and italics app period.  Description of Citation: Eilish comma Billie period. Open quotation marks Birds of a Feather in title case period close quotation marks. Hit Me Hard and Soft in title case and italics comma Darkroom and Interscope Records comma 2024 period. Spotify in title case and italics app period.

In-text Citation

Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:

"Wisconsin has all the cheese" (Eilish 00:01:26).

Author Name(s) in Your Text

According to Eilish, "Wisconsin has all the cheese" (00:01:26).


The below examples are for TV series on DVD and online, but the strategy applies to all performance series, including podcasts, vlogs, radio programs, etc., viewed or listed to in any format.

Key Elements for Container 1:

  1. "Episode Title"
  2. Year originally released (if relevant)
  3. Series Title (italicized)
  4. Director
  5. Optional: Contributors (actors, producers, writers, etc.)
  6. Season
  7. Episode
  8. Production company
  9. Publication year

List other primary contributors, such as actors, producers, writers, etc., after the director's name if they are mentioned in your paper.

Single Season in a Series, on DVD

General Format:  Series title in title case and italics period. Original air date period. Producer’s first name producer’s last name comma season comma production company comma, publication year period. Format period.   Description of Citation: Frontline in title case and italics period. 2010 period.  produced by Marcela Gaviria comma comma season 28 comma, P B S comma, 2010 period. D V D period.

In-text Citation

Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:

Wisconsin cheese is mentioned throughout the season (Frontline).

Author Name(s) in Your Text

Frontline mentions Wisconsin cheese throughout the season.

Single Episode in a Series, Viewed on a Web Site

General Format:  Open quotation marks episode title period close quotation marks series title in italics comma first creator’s first name first creator’s last name and second creator’s first name second creator’s last name comma season number comma episode number comma production company comma publication year period. television network in italics comma u r l period.  Description of Citation: Open quotation marks Guardian period close quotation marks. N C I S in italics comma created by Donald Bellisario and Don McGill comma season 20 comma episode 5 comma Paramount comma 2022 period. C B S in italics comma www period cbs period com slash shows slash ncis slash period.

In-text Citation

Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:

The first cheese reference is early on, "Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" ("Guardian" 00:01:42).

Author Name(s) in Your Text

In "Guardian," the first cheese reference occurs early on, "Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (00:01:42).

Image, Artwork, or Graphic

Key Elements for Container 1:

  1. Artist
  2. Image Title (italicized)
  3. Publication year (if none, leave out)
  4. Owning institution
  5. Location
  6. Format (optional)

For images of art from a database, replace the institution with the database title in title case and italics. Also, replace the physical location with the stable link to the image. The format is the last element.

Artwork, Viewed Firsthand/In-person

General Format:  Artist’s last name comma, artist’s first name period. Title of artwork in title case and italics period. Creation date comma, museum name comma, location city period. Format of the artwork period. (The format element is optional.)  Description of Citation: Anasui comma, El period. Between Heaven and Earth in title case and italics period. 2006 comma, The Metropolitan Museum of Art comma, New York City period. Metal sculpture period.

In-text Citation

Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:

The metal sculpture is not Wisconsin cheese (Anasui).

Author Name(s) in Your Text

Anasui's sculpture is not made of Wisconsin cheese.

Artwork, Viewed in a Database

General Format: Artist last name comma, artist first name period. Title of image in title case and italics period. Date period. Database comma, stable link provided by database period. Format of artwork period. (The format element is optional.)  Description of Citation: Xue comma, Wenwen period. Cosplay Disneyland (Exhibition View) in title case and italics period. 2006 period. J S T O R comma, jstor period org forward slash stable forward slash community period 9884713 period. Photograph period.

In-text Citation

Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:

The photograph shows Disney cosplay characters that appear to have been sculpted out of cheese (Xue).

Author Name(s) in Your Text

Xue's photograph shows Disney cosplay characters that appear to have been sculpted out of cheese. 

Artwork, Image, or Graphic; Viewed on Web Page, No Known Artist, No Title [5.28, 6.14]

Cite an image on the website that hosts it. If you did a web search to find it, you still need to cite the host website.

Use the URL provided in the search engine search results only to link out to the actual image. Then include the URL for the image in your citation.

Use neither the browser search URL nor the image URL from your initial search results in your citation.

General Format: Description of image (because it has no title) period. Museum or webpage period. U R L period.  Description of Citation: Helmet mask of wood and beads period. The Metropolitan Museum of Art period. Www period metmuseum period org forward slash art forward slash collection forward slash search forward slash 311021 period.

In-text Citation

Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:

It is a clear example of that style (Helmet mask).

Author Name(s) in Your Text

The Helmet mask is a clear example of that style. 

Artwork, Image, or Graphic; in a Book

General Format: Artist last name comma, artist first name artist middle name period. Open quotation marks image title in title case period close quotation marks. Book title colon book subtitle in title case and italics comma. publisher comma, publication year comma, p period page number period.  Description of Citation: Javacheff comma, Christo Vladimirov period. Open quotation marks The Mastaba, 1977 in title case period close quotation marks. The Mastaba: Project for Abu Dhabi: UAE in title case and italics comma. Taschen America comma, 2012 comma, p period 99 period.

In-text Citation

Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:

The black and white photograph shows the Mastaba in great detail (Javacheff).

Author Name(s) in Your Text

Javacheff's photograph shows the Mastaba in great detail.