List other primary contributors, such as actors, producers, writers, etc., after the director's name if they are mentioned in your paper.
Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:
"Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (Buffalo Soldiers 01:21:59).
Author Name(s) in Your Text
According to Buffalo Soldiers, "Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (01:21:59).
Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:
"Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (Maes 00:09:59).
Author Name(s) in Your Text
According to Maes, "Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (00:09:59).
For online music, after the publication year, include the Web site name in italics, then the URL
For music in a database, after the city of publication year, include the database in title case and italics, then the permanent link to the music.
For music on a physical medium, after the publication year include the medium if relevant.
Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:
One key theme of the album is Wisconsin's native cheeses (Beyoncé).
Author Name(s) in Your Text
One key theme of Beyoncé's album is Wisconsin's native cheeses.
Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:
"Wisconsin has all the cheese" (Eilish 00:01:26).
Author Name(s) in Your Text
According to Eilish, "Wisconsin has all the cheese" (00:01:26).
The below examples are for TV series on DVD and online, but the strategy applies to all performance series, including podcasts, vlogs, radio programs, etc., viewed or listed to in any format.
List other primary contributors, such as actors, producers, writers, etc., after the director's name if they are mentioned in your paper.
Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:
Wisconsin cheese is mentioned throughout the season (Frontline).
Author Name(s) in Your Text
Frontline mentions Wisconsin cheese throughout the season.
Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:
The first cheese reference is early on, "Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" ("Guardian" 00:01:42).
Author Name(s) in Your Text
In "Guardian," the first cheese reference occurs early on, "Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (00:01:42).
For images of art from a database, replace the institution with the database title in title case and italics. Also, replace the physical location with the stable link to the image. The format is the last element.
Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:
The metal sculpture is not Wisconsin cheese (Anasui).
Author Name(s) in Your Text
Anasui's sculpture is not made of Wisconsin cheese.
Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:
The photograph shows Disney cosplay characters that appear to have been sculpted out of cheese (Xue).
Author Name(s) in Your Text
Xue's photograph shows Disney cosplay characters that appear to have been sculpted out of cheese.
Cite an image on the website that hosts it. If you did a web search to find it, you still need to cite the host website.
Use the URL provided in the search engine search results only to link out to the actual image. Then include the URL for the image in your citation.
Use neither the browser search URL nor the image URL from your initial search results in your citation.
Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:
It is a clear example of that style (Helmet mask).
Author Name(s) in Your Text
The Helmet mask is a clear example of that style.
Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:
The black and white photograph shows the Mastaba in great detail (Javacheff).
Author Name(s) in Your Text
Javacheff's photograph shows the Mastaba in great detail.