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Key Elements

  1. Author
  2. "Article title" (in quotation marks)
  3. Publication title (italicized)
  4. For journals, volume and issue number
  5. Publication date (use year for journals)
  6. Page number (p.) or page numbers (pp.)
  7. From database: Database (italicized), permanent link
  8. From web site: Web site title (italicized) and either:
    • ​​DOI
    • Web site URL (no http) and date accessed

Journal Article

The author name is listed first. If there is more than one, they are listed in the order given on the article itself. See below for more instructions.

At the end of the citation, include the article's DOI (digital object identifier). If there is no DOI and the article was found in a database, use the stable/permanent link the database provides. If there is no DOI or stable link, use use the URL (uniform resource locator) from your browser's address bar.

Journal Article, Online from a Database, with DOI

General format: Author last name comma first name period. open quote title in sentence case period close quote. journal title in italics and title case comma. lower case v o l period (which stands for volume). Volume number. n o period (which stands for issue number). Issue number comma. publication year comma space lowercase p p period space then the page range period. database title in italics and title case comma digital object identifier period.
Description of citation: Ebelebe comma Ugo Ben period. open quotation marks Reinventing Nollywood colon the impact of online funding and distribution on Nigerian Cinema period close quotation marks.  Convergence in title case and italics comma v o l period space 25 n o period space three comma 2019 comma p p period 466 dash 478 period. Sage journals in title case and italics comma h t t p s colon forward slash forward slash d o i period o r g forward slash 10 period 1177 forward slash 1354856517735792 period.

In-text Citation

Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:

"Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (Ebelebe 470).

Author Name(s) in Your Text

According to Ebelebe, "Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (470).

Journal Article, Online from a Website, No DOI, No Stable Link, with URL

In this example, the article was not paginated. If there had been page numbers they would have been included in the citation.

General format: Author last name comma first name initial of middle name period comma and first name middle initial last name period space open quotation marks title in title case colon subtitle in title case period close quotation marks. title of the journal in title case and italics comma v o l period space comma volume number comma n o period space issue number comma publication date comma URL beginning with w w w (not http or https) period. 

Description of citation: MacArthur comma Marit J period comma and Lee M period Miller period. open quotation marks Slow Listening semicolon Digital Tools for Voice Studies period close quotation marks. Digital Humanities Quarterly in title case and italics comma v o l period space 17 comma, n o period space 2 comma 2023 comma w w w period digital humanities period org forward slash d h q forward slash space v o l forward slash 17 forward slash 2 forward slash 000688 forward slash 000688 period h t m l period.

In-text Citation

Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:

"Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (MacArthur and Miller).

Author Name(s) in Your Text

According to MacArthur and Miller, "Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese."

Magazine Article

The author name(s) are listed first. If no authors are listed, the article title is first.

At the end of the citation, include the article's DOI (digital object identifier). If there is no DOI and the article was found in a database, use the stable/permanent link the database provides. If there is no DOI or stable link, use use the URL (uniform resource locator) from your browser's address bar.

Magazine Article, Print, No Author

General Format: Open quotation marks article title in title case period close quotation marks. title of magazine in title case and in italics comma publication day month year comma lowercase p period space page number period. 
Description of Citation: Open quotation marks Just Cause period close quotation marks. Time Magazine in italics comma 18 June 1990 comma p period space 22 period.

In-text Citation [6.10-6.14]

The first element of a citation, as listed in the works cited list, is included in the in-text citation. This is usually author last name(s). If there are no authors listed, use the first few words if the next element, which is usually the title.

Beginning of Title in Parenthetical Citation:

"Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" ("Just Cause" 22).

Beginning of Title in Your Text

According to "Just Cause," "Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (22).

Magazine Article, Online from a Database, No DOI, with Stable Link

After the page number(s), include the database name in italics followed by the appropriate link.

General Format: Open quotation marks article title in title case period close quotation marks. title of magazine in title case and in italics comma publication day month year comma lowercase p period space page number period. 
Description of Citation: Open quotation marks Just Cause period close quotation marks. Time Magazine in italics comma 18 June 1990 comma p period space 22 period.

In-text Citation

Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:

"Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (Leonard 16).

Author Name(s) in Your Text

According to Leonard, "Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (16).

Magazine Article, Online from a Webpage

Newspaper/News Website Article

The author name(s) are listed first. If no authors are listed, the article title in quotation marks is first.

At the end of the citation, include the article's stable/permanent link. If there is no stable link provided, use use the URL (uniform resource locator) from your browser's address bar.

If the article isn't on consecutive pages, include the section and first page number of  the article followed immediately by "+."

Newspaper Article, Print, Non-consecutive Pages

General format: Author last name comma first name middle initial period. Open quotation marks, title in title case period close quotation marks. title of newspaper in title case and italics comma publication day. abbreviated month period. year comma, s e c period section name comma p p period space page numbers period.
Description of citation example: Douglas hyphen Gabriel comma Danielle period. Open quotation marks After Issues comma Next F A F S A to Be Released in Phases in title case period close quotation marks. The Washington Post in title case and italics comma 11 Mar period 2024 comma sec period A comma p p period 4 plus symbol period.

In-text Citation

Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:

"Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (Douglas-Gabriel  8).

Author Name(s) in Your Text

According to Douglas-Gabriel, "Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (8).

Newspaper Article from a Database, in Spahish, No Author, Stable Link

If the newspaper doesn't include the city, add it in brackets after the title.

If the article title is not in English, capitalize it according to the standards of that language. 

General format: Open quotation marks article title in sentence case according to Spanish language standards period close quotation marks. Title of newspaper in sentence case because title is not in English and in italics open bracket city of publication close bracket comma, day month year of publication comma database in title case and italics comma url (not including http:// or https://) period.  Description of citation example: Open quotation marks Revelaron el contrato que el Gobierno preparó para El Dipy en la Secretaría de Cultura period close quotation marks. Ámbito financiero in italics open bracket Buenos Aires close bracket comma, 25 July 2024 comma Gale OneFile: Informe Académico in title case and italics comma  link period gale period com forward slash apps forward slash doc forward slash A802878360 forward slash IFME question mark u equal sign h2o ampersand sid equal sign bookmark dash IFME ampersand xid equal sign 162613e5 period.

In-text Citation

The first element of a citation, as listed in the works cited list, is included in the in-text citation. This is usually author last name(s). If there are no authors listed, use the first few words if the next element, which is usually the title.

Page numbers are not included because they are not shown on the source.

Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:

"Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" ("Revelaron el contrato").

Author Name(s) in Your Text

According to "Revelaron el contrato que el Gobierno preparó para El Dipy en la Secretaría de Cultura," "Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese."

News Article, on a News Website, URL

General format: Author last name comma author first name author middle name comma and author first name author last name period. Open quotation marks article title in title case period close quotation marks. Newspaper title in italics and title case comma day month year of publication comma  U R L (not prefaced with http:// or https://) period.
Description of citation example: Miller comma Claire Cain comma and Sarah Mervosh period. Open quotation marks The Youngest Pandemic Children Are Now in School comma and Struggling in title case period close quotation marks. New York Times in italics and title case comma 1 July 2024 comma  www period nytimes period com forward slash interactive forward slash 2024 forward slash 07 forward slash 01 forward slash upshot forward slash pandemic dash children dash school dash performance period html period.

In-text Citation

Page numbers are not included because they are not shown on the source.

Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:

"Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (Miller and Mervosh).

Author Name(s) in Your Text

According to Miller and Mervosh, "Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese."

Newspaper/News Website Article

Review of a Book or Other Work [5.23; 5.28]

Start with the author of the review (aka reviewer) followed the title of the review (if it has one), and then a description and the title of the work being reviewed along with the authors.

Follow this with the rest of the citation. This example is for a book review in a magazine.

General Format: Reviewer last name comma first name middle name period Review of book title in title case and italics colon subtitle in title case and italics comma by book author name and second book author name period. Magazine name in title case and italics comma v o l period space volume number comma n o period space issue number comma  publication date comma p p period space starting page number dash ending page number period.   Description of Citation: Powers comma Erica Levine period. Review of Extending Justice colon Strategies to Increase Inclusion and Reduce Bias in title case and italics comma. by Bernice B period space Donald and Sarah E period space Redfield period. State ampersand Local Law News in title case and italics comma v o l period space 46 comma n o period space 3 comma fall 2023 comma p p period space 16 dash 17 period.

In-text Citation

Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:

"Best book of the year" (Powers 219).

Author Name(s) in Your Text

According to Powers, this is the "best book of the year" (219).

Journal Article Republished in a Book, in a Database

For an article republished in a book that is available in a database--such as those from Gale Literature--you will be using three containers. They are a periodical (journal in this example), a book, and a database. The example follows the standard steps.

General Format: 
Author last name comma first name period. Open quotation marks Title including title within title contained in single quotation marks semicolon subtitle period close quotation marks. Series title, edited by editor first name middle initial and last name comma volume number comma publisher comma publication year period. Originally published in journal title in italics comma volume number comma issue number, publication season and year comma page range period. Database comma, stable U R L period. 
Description of Citation: 
Harris comma Trudier period. Open quotation marks Alice Walker apostrophe s open single quotation marks Roselily close single quotation marks colon Meditations on Culture comma Politics comma and Chains period close quotation marks. Short Story Criticism in italics, comma edited by Catherine C period DiMercurio comma v o l period space 272 comma Gale comma 2019 period. Originally published in The Southern Quarterly in italics comma v o l period space 54 comma n o period 2 comma Winter 2017 comma p p period 28 dash 48 period. Gale Literature comma link period gale period com forward slash apps forward slash doc forward slash  H1420126823 forward slash GLS question mark u equal sign h2o ampersand sid equal sign bookmark dash GLS ampersand xid equal sign f25cfdd9 period.

In-text Citation

Author Name(s) in Parenthetical Citation:

"Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese" (Trudier).

Author Name(s) in Your Text

According to Trudier, "Wisconsin has over 600 varieties of cheese."