This is a summary of library resources, such as key journals, ebooks, and databases, of special interest to students and faculty of Counselor Education.
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Human Growth and Development Across the Lifespan by David Capuzzi (Editor); Mark D. Stauffer (Editor)A practically focused guide to effective counseling of all clients Human Development Across the Life Span is a practical guide to human growth and development, moving beyond theory to include real-world applications for counselors who work with clients. Written by recognized authorities in mental health counseling and counselor education, this book is fully aligned with the American Counseling Association's accreditation standards and includes contributions by well-known and respected academics and practitioners. Based on an extensive review of course syllabi across CACREP-accredited programs, this book is organized to follow the way courses are typically taught and follows a consistent structure including pedagogical elements that help students learn. After a thorough examination of essential concepts and theories of life span development, the book moves through each stage of human growth and development to provide expert insight, short case studies, and practical applications to counseling. The full Instructor's package provides a useful set of tools, including a Respondus test bank, PowerPoint slides, and an Instructor's Manual. This book is the only text on human growth and development that emphasizes the key implications and applications for counselors, providing useful information and the insights of real experts in each subject area. Understand the developmental milestones at each life stage Appreciate clients' perspectives to better facilitate appropriate interventions Work more effectively with clients of any age, from toddlers to seniors Tailor your approach to meet the unique needs and abilities of each life stage As a counselor, you cannot approach a child's therapy the same way you approach an adult's. Even within each major category, each developmental stage includes a nuanced set of characteristics that, considered appropriately, will inform a more effective treatment plan. Human Development Across the Life Span is a comprehensive guide to understanding all of your clients, and providing the type of counseling that facilitates more positive outcomes.
Call Number: View online
Neuroscience-Informed Counseling with Children and Adolescents by Thomas A. Field; Michelle R. GhostonThis innovative text is the first to illustrate how neuroscience concepts can be translated and applied to counseling with children and adolescents. Drs. Field and Ghoston discuss general principles for child and adolescent counseling before examining neurophysiological development from birth to age 18. They then provide in-session examples of neuroscience-informed approaches to behavior modification, play therapy, cognitive behavior therapy, biofeedback, neurofeedback, and therapeutic lifestyle change with diverse clients in a variety of settings. Each chapter contains knowledge and skill-building material for counselors-in-training; counselor educators; and practitioners in schools, hospitals, residential facilities, and outpatient clinics. Text features include learning objectives, alignment with the CACREP Standards specific to child and adolescent counseling, explanatory diagrams, reflection questions to prompt deep processing of the material, case vignettes to demonstrate how to apply neuroscience concepts to counseling work, and quiz questions to test knowledge of key concepts. In addition, the text includes an extensive neuroscience glossary. *Requests for digital versions from ACA can be found on *To purchase print copies, please visit the ACA website. *Reproduction requests for material from books published by ACA should be directed to
Call Number: View Online
Publication Date: 2020
Neurocounseling by Thomas A. Field; Laura K. Jones; Lori A. Russell-ChapinThis text presents current, accessible information on enhancing the counseling process using a brain-based paradigm. Leading experts provide guidelines and insights for becoming a skillful neuroscience-informed counselor, making direct connections between the material covered and clinical practice. In this much-needed resource--the first to address neurocounseling concepts across the counseling curriculum--chapters cover each of the eight common core areas in the 2016 CACREP Standards in addition to several specialty areas of the Standards. Detailed case studies, questions for reflection, quiz questions, and a glossary facilitate classroom use. *Requests for digital versions from the ACA can be found on *To request print copies, please visit the ACA website here. *Reproduction requests for material from books published by ACA should be directed to