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Circulation Landing Page

Main floor - access from outside the library

Suite 2130

Access from outside library. Use the sidewalk to travel towards main street. Turn left over the bridge and use the far right-hand door (Door #10) to access. 

*Student Affairs has moved to Hyer Hall

Room 2000

From the circulation desk, go back to the main lobby and continue to travel to the end of the hall. ITS Help Desk is on the right hand side in a glass fronted office at the end of the hall.

Room 2002

From the circulation desk, go back to the main lobby. Continue traveling down the hall. At the end of the hall, turn right. CSD is the first door on the left.

Main floor - access from inside the library

Room 2211

From the circulation desk, follow the dark carpet lane into the library keeping the wall on your left. Take the first left turn after the computer alcove. Travel to the end of the hall and find the lab on the right hand side.

Room 2208

From the circulation desk, travel into the library with the wall to your left. Continue along the wall past the computer alcove. Look up to view ceiling signs. Veteran's Lounge is the last left turn before the curriculum collection teaching area.

Room 2125

Access from inside library, second floor. Go to the opening in south wall between Great Minds collection and Audiobooks Collection. This office is the first door on the left.


Room 2243

Access from inside library, second floor. Go to the opening in south wall between Great Minds collection and Audiobooks Collection. Walk forward until you see the opening on the left and the ORSP entrance. Use the doorbell to left of the entrance to gain access.

Alternate entrance is Door #8 from outside. Stairs only at this entrance. 

Room #2124 in hallway outside of door to ORSP. They will have office hours for students (TBD).

Undergraduate Research Program (URP) also coordinates the Research Apprenticeship Program (RAP) program.

First floor - access from outside

Radio station Room 1201

From the circulation desk, go to the lower lobby and exit the building. Travel along the building until you locate Door #4 on your right. Enter Door #4 and travel forward until the hall turns to the left. Turn left and continue to the end of the hall. Turn right. The station is at the end of the hall on the left hand side.

TV Studio Room 1215

From the circulation desk, go to the lower lobby and exit the building. Continue along the building until you locate Door #4 on your right. Enter Door #4 and travel forward until the hall turns to the left. Turn left and continue down the hall. You will see the TV Master Control on the right hand side and the studio is the next door on the right hand side.

Room 1217

From the circulation desk, go to the lower lobby and exit the building. Walk along the building until you see Door #4 on your right. Enter Door #4 and travel forward until the hall turns to the left. Turn left and the Faculty offices are the first door on the right.

Room 1205

From the circulation desk, go to the lower lobby and exit the building. Travel along the building until you locate Door #6 on your right. Enter Door #6 and travel forward along the hall. Continue forward about three quarters of the length of the hall and find Room 1205 on the left side.

Room 1230

From the circulation desk, go to the lower lobby and exit the building. Travel along the building until you locate Door #6 on your right. Enter Door #6 and travel forward along the hall. Room 1230 is at the end of the hall on the right side.

Room 1216

262-472-6940 / 262-472-5534

From the circulation desk, go to the lower lobby and exit the building. Walk along the building until you see Door #4 on your right. Enter Door #4 and travel forward until the hall turns to the left. Turn left and the Photo/Video studio is the second door on the left.


First floor - access from inside the library

Room 1105

From the circulation desk, take the main stairs down one level. Bear slightly right and continue forward toward the glass fronted room. This is the library classroom

From the circulation desk, travel into the library keeping the wall on your left. The elevator is before the computer alcove on the left. Take the elevator down one floor. Exit the elevator and turn left. Travel forward and locate the glass fronted room on your left. This the library classroom.

From the circulation desk, take the main stairs down one level. Bear slightly right and continue forward toward the glass fronted room (library classroom).  Turn right and travel forward past the library classroom. ARC/Special Collections is the next door on the left.

From the circulation desk, travel into the library keeping the wall on your left. The elevator is before the computer alcove on the left. Take the elevator down one floor. Exit the elevator and turn left. Travel forward and locate the glass fronted room (library classroom) on your left. Continue traveling forward. ARC/Special Collections in the next door on the left.