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Financial information for US-based private companies earning at least $1 million in annual revenue or have at least $1 million in venture capital backing.
Note: You must create an account using your UWW email address, and this is how you will log in after NET ID authentication.
Each individual account has privileges for:
150 unique private company profile views per month
150 unique private company profiles exported via Excel per month
150 unique private company profile PDF downloads per month
plus "Saved Searched", "Company Watchlists", and all PrivCo individual account features.
If you need the 150 limit increased, please contact the Business Librarian so we can make the request to PrivCo. This is done on a case-by-case basis and must be for academic research purposes only.
Company profiles, financials, and analysis from sources such as Mergent, Plunkett, Hoover’s, and more.
Detailed information on US businesses, consumers, and job postings
The first step in company research is to determine the legal status of the company -- private, public, subsidiary, branch, or parent. Watch the following video:
Private companies enjoy the right to not share any details about their company, specifically any financial data. They are harder to research. Watch the following video:
Public company information is readily available since they are required to share their information with the government and their shareholders. Watch the following video: