This guide provides basic information about Social Work resources available through Andersen Library. The guide includes the following pages:
- Find Articles
This page contains a list of article databases that cover topics related to Social Work.
- Analyze Articles
This page describes types of study designs with examples and provides more information about Evidence-Based Practice.
- Full Text Helpers
This page provides additional tools to easily find the full text of articles.
- Search for Similar Citations
This page presents the basics of forwards and backwards searching.
- Find Books
This page provides suggestions for searching Research@UWW for books on topics in Social Work.
- Find Tests, Surveys, & Measurements
This page provides information about useful books for Social Work students and how to find reviews of tests and other measurements. It also provides suggestions about how to find the actual tests themselves.
- Cite References
This page contains links to resources that explain how to correctly format your references using the APA citation style.
- Research Tutorials & Guides
This page links to a series of helpful guides and video tutorials demonstrating how to start your Social Work library research.
- Licensure Study Guides
This page links to study guides for the Bachelors and Masters Licensure Exams in ebook format.