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Social Studies Education Journals from National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS)

Use the journals and professional publications below to locate quality lesson plans and strategies, as well as research.

cover of Social Education journal from NCSS  cover of Middle Level Learner MLL magazine from NCSS  cover of Social Studies and the young learner journal from NCSS    

Middle Level Learner (MLL)
Social Education (NCSS)
Social Studies and the Young Learner

refereed journal with peer-reviewed articles Additional Refereed Journals Containing Peer-reviewed Articles

 Other Education News & Information Sources News Icon by Vecteezy on IconScout

database iconEducation Databases image credit Satawat Anukul

Use a database to search multiple journals and magazines simultaneously. Use combinations such as those pictured below:

"high school*" OR "middle school*" OR "secondary education"


"lesson plan*" OR "activity programs" OR "units of study"