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Faculty/Staff Scholarship & Creative Achievements (SCA)

Recognition of Faculty/Staff Scholarship & Creative Achievements

The scholarship and creative achievements accomplished by UW-Whitewater's faculty and staff during the previous academic year are recognized annually by Academic Affairs and the University Libraries. The purpose of the recognition is twofold: Scholarship and Creative Achievement event graphic

  • to promote a free exchange of ideas;
  • to encourage and stimulate further research and creative activity.

The 36th annual Scholarship & Creative Achievement recognition is for achievements accomplished between January 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023. Questions? Please contact: Diana Shull.

Criteria & Procedures


  • All University of Wisconsin-Whitewater staff from any department/unit shall be eligible to submit scholarly or creative works for recognition.
  • Recognition may be given for any number of works per person, in any medium.
  • Recognized works for the 36th annual list shall have been published, exhibited, performed, recorded, or presented during the period of January 1, 2023 through December 31, 2023.*
  • Accomplishments should be scholarly in nature and contribute to the advancement of knowledge and research in the field.
  • Works resulting from an individual's avocational interests may be recognized if scholarly in nature and approved by the department/unit.
  • Works must have been positively reviewed by peers or authorities in the field, such as passing an editorial review board, presenting a work in a juried show, being publicly reviewed in other than local sources, appearing in a refereed journal, etc.
  • Departments or units may set additional selection standards, and the department chair or unit director should approve submissions. Consult the Standard Classification of Performance Data in the Faculty Personnel Rules (III, G, 4, c “Research & Creative Activity”) for examples of works.

*If works are recognized when accepted or first posted online, then they are not recognized again when they are actually published.


  1. Submissions should be provided by the deadline in the call for submissions that will be sent to all Colleges and academic departments.
  2. Submissions should be electronically submitted and include the titles of the works as specified in the call for submissions and the submission form.

We are not creating a full bibliography or seeking physical items for display for this year, but we will recognize the value of the scholarly & creative work you do.

Last revised February 2024