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About this Guide

This guide provides basic information about Psychology resources available through Andersen Library. The guide includes the following pages:

  • Find Articles
    This page contains a list of article databases that cover topics related to Psychology. You can start a search in the premiere Psychology database, PsycINFO, from this tab.
  • Find Books
    This page provides suggestions for using Research@UWW for books on topics in Psychology.
  • Find Tests, Surveys, & Measurements
    This page provides information about how to find reviews of tests and other measurements. It also provides suggestions about how to find the actual tests themselves.
  • Cite References
    This page contains links to resources that explain how to correctly format your references using the APA citation style. It also includes a link to an editable template in MS Word for student papers.
  • Guides & Tutorials
    This tab links to a series of helpful guides and video tutorials demonstrating how to use some of the resources listed in this guide.

UW-W Psychology Faculty Recent Publications

Mouse over the title of an article to view details. Click on the title to see more information. 

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