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Math Education (PreK-12)

Use this guide to find lesson plans, teaching ideas, online videos, and educational associations for math education. This LibGuide will be useful especially to students in Teaching Mathematics in the Elementary/Middle Grades and in Secondary School.

Locating Math Resources and Math Textbooks in Andersen Library

textbook shelving Visit the Curriculum Collection, Textbook section, on 2nd floor of Andersen Library and browse the available titles, or use Research@UWW to view the list of PK-12 math textbooks that are available.

Textbooks: Scope & Sequence

Textbook publishers provide a great deal of information about their series on their websites. This can be especially helpful if you are only provided one or two grade level samples, but would like an overview of the when content or skills are covered at what grade level or at what point in the school year. Teacher's Editions generally include this information as well.

Key terms to search or to look for once you find the publisher website are:

  • Scope and sequence
  • Pacing guide
  • Standards
  • Correlations
  • Crosswalk

Following are samples of scope and sequence for some of the textbook series in Andersen Library. (Log in with a UWW Google account.)