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Formerly HPERC: Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Coaching

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select what you need from the navigation menuThis LibGuide is intended to highlight Andersen Library resources that support the DeparQR Code for this guidetment of Kinesiology (formerly Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Coaching). Be sure to also visit the Department of Kinesiology Home Page for information regarding the program, courses, licensure, and professional organizations.

Make a Recommendation for Library Purchase

Make a Recommendation

Faculty, staff and students are encouraged to recommend titles of books and other resources for the Library. Recommendations may be placed online.  (For more costly titles, faculty and staff, please contact your Department Library Representative to coordinate available library allocations.)

Department Recommendations

Browse titles recommended by the faculty and staff of Department of HPERC / Kinesiology by year.

Featured Resources for Kinesiology @ Andersen Library