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Government Resources

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What is this?

This guide is about finding government information, including federal (U.S.), state, and foreign governments as well as international/ intergovernmental organizations. Andersen Library, a selective depository for government documents (federal and Wisconsin), is open to the public, including providing access to government information on the Internet.
Federal Depository Library Program logo Wisconsin Document Depository Library graphic

Government Publications at the Regional Federal Depository Library

Additional assistance using government information may be available from the regional federal depository library at UW Madison. It has a comprehensive collection of federal agency materials, and provides an online guide.

Federal (U.S.) Cross-Agency Portals (official portal to U.S. Government)

Federal (U.S.) Government Social Media

States & Local (U.S.) Government

All States

What are IGOs?

IGOs are political bodies created by states for carrying out specified tasks for their mutual benefit.