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Library Representative's Guide for the CoEPS & Music

This guide supports the Library Representative for the Department of Music and for each department in the College of Education and Professional Studies.

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Collaborative Collection Development

The Library allocates collection funds to each department. This allocation is more of a goal than a budget. According to the Library's Collection Development Policy:

To develop strong collections that truly support the curriculum, faculty input is crucial. To help the Library achieve this goal, Library Representatives have the following selection responsibilities:

  1. Ensure that faculty in the department request materials to support the academic program in the subject fields of the department.
  2. Monitor professional literature for appropriate library acquisitions.
  3. Monitor department expenditures to ensure allocation is spent.
  4. Keep the collection manager informed of new programs and special library needs of the department.
  5. Assist in collection evaluation and weeding activities in the subject area(s) of the department.

Requesting Library Materials

There are three ways you can send your department's requests for Library purchases.

1. For quickest response, use the online form:

2. Interdepartmental Mail: If you have numerous items from a catalog, you may send the marked catalog or photocopies to Library Acquisitions, Andersen Library via interdepartmental mail.

3. Email: You may also email spreadsheets, printouts, or copies of reviews to Library Acquisitions: 

Library Representative's Role

Communicating With Your Colleagues

The Library counts on its Department representatives to get the word out to colleagues to get involved in building the Library's resources so that they are most relevant to the curricular needs and interests of our students and faculty. When your liaison librarian sends e-mails to you, the Department Library Representative, please forward them along to your colleagues. Encourage them to participate in the collection development process for their disciplines.

Although Reference librarians offer to meet with all new faculty and instructors, Library reps may still want to touch base with their new colleagues to make sure they know how to select material for the Library's collections.


In August:, the Collection Manager or your Library Liaison will let each department know its allocation for the academic year will be. Periodically, you will receive an email summary of amount spent, encumbered, and remaining.

Keeping Track of What Your Department Has Ordered

The best way to keep track of material ordered by your department is to use the Department Acquisitions page. This tool allows users to search by Department and fiscal year to find all the material that has been ordered and received. (Not all "on order" items will appear).

screenshot showing dropdown menu of "on order and received" and the department of music selected

Limiting Numbers of Copies of Same Title

Give the ease and speed of UW Requests (borrowing items from other UW System Libraries), we try to economize by ordering items that are owned by fewer than 3 other UW System Libraries. When Library Acquisitions staff receives a request for a title we already own or that is owned by 3 or more other UW Libraries, she contacts the requester. However, if an item is vital to a course and/or it is intended to be placed on Course Reserves,  mark "Vital" on the online order form, and we will do our best to accommodate.


Making Library Staff Aware of New Courses & Programs

The Library keeps tabs on new courses and programs as they make their way through the University Curriculum Committee. However, if a new course or program will require building up areas of the Library's collections, please speak with your Librarian Liaison, the Library Collection Manager, or the Library Director about your needs before the course or program begins. We will work with your department to ensure the Library has adequate resources to support the new curriculum

Selecting Items: Review Sources

Any source that an instructor judges to be a reliable source of review is valid. Selections could be made based on:
  • New course syllabi - required and recommended reading, listening or viewing;
  • Professional conversations and networking;
  • Reviews in professional or academic journals;
  • Catalogs, in print and online.
  • Your Library Representative will send you a monthly list of new ALA Choice reviews in your subject areas and disciplines.  If you’d like to order any of the ALA Choice -reviewed selections for the Library, simply forward the review to Library Acquisitions at . 

    You may wish to browse Choice on your own:

ALA Choice Academic Title Reviews for Disciplines

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