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These tools can be great helps to get you started in making your list of references.


Use ALL of these citation generators/managers with caution!

These tools can be great helps to get you started in making your list of references. But all the citations are computer-generated, not human-generated. Because of that they are usually wrong in some way at first, and you need to do some edits in order to fix the citation. 

Free Citation Formatters

What are citation formatters? 

Citations formatters or managers are tools, usually web-based or sometimes downloadable tools, that help to create citations in a preferred style and sometimes help you to save and manage the PDFs to go with each source. These are the two that are supported by Andersen Library

  • Zotero - Center for History and New Media, George Mason University - A Firefox extension.
    Formats in many styles including APA, MLA, and Turabian. Zotero help guide. 
  • EndNote Basic (formerly called EndNote Web)
    Formats in many styles including APA, MLA, and Turabian. EndNote help guide. 

Other free formatters

When specific styles are not noted, a wide range of styles are covered.

  • APA Wizard - EB Communications
  • BibMe - Software Development course, Information Systems department, Carnegie Mellon University
    Formats in APA, MLA, and Chicago/Turabian styles.
  • Citation Builder - NCSU Libraries
    Formats in APA, Chicago, MLA, and CSE styles.
  • Citation Machine - Landmark Project
    Formats in APAMLA, Turabian, Chicago, and thousands more styles.
  • DocsCite - Arizona State University
    Formats government document citations in APA and MLA styles.
  • Easy Bib
    Formats in APA, Chicago, MLA, and other styles. Has pay version called EasyBib Pro.
  • KnightCite - Hekman Library and Digital Studio Calvin College
    Formats in APA, MLA and Chicago styles.
  • NoodleTools Express
    Formats in APA, MLA, and Chicago styles.


In all cases, to double-check that your citations are correct, use the appropriate style manual for your style. Some of the style manuals are available at the library. 

We have some correct examples of citations on our guides for APA, MLA and Turabian styles. For additional assistance, please contact the Reference Desk using the information to the right.

If you need help planning, composing, revising, or editing your paper, including reviewing your citations, please visit the Writing Center.

Databases and Websites that Generate Citations

Here are some examples of databases with this feature. There are many more.

  • EbscoHost Databases 
    After running a search, click on the entry you want. In the right-hand menu, you will see an icon that looks like a sheet of paper with the word "cite" on it. Click to get citations in a number of styles. Or use the green-arrow icon labeled Export to export to a variety of tools.
  • JSTOR 
    Next to the title of the item you want, select the Cite This Item button to copy the citation style you want.
    JSTOR will also directly upload citation details to Endnote, Zotero, Refworks, or other tools. From your results page, check the box in front of every citation you want to save, the click on the "Export Selected Citations" dropdown box and select the appropriate option.
  • ProQuest Databases 
    For items in any ProQuest database, select the Cite button to create a citation -->
  • Encyclopædia Britannica 
    After running a search, click on the entry you want. Below the entry, you will see citations in APA and MLA styles.
  • Oxford Reference Online 
    After running a search, click on the word you want. Below the definition, you will see a citation in MLA style.
  • Web of Science
    After running a search, check the boxes next to the articles you are using. Click on My Tools, then EndNote if you use that tool. Log in. When the records have been processed, click on Done. The steps from this point will vary.
  • Wikipedia (Free)
    When in an article, look for Tools in the left-hand menu, and select Cite This Page. 

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