International business intelligence offering case studies, in-depth statistical data, and the ability to compare global economies, countries, and industries.
Standardized and structured statistical data from more than 70 source organizations and governmental agencies.
Detailed industry market reports for 700+ areas of the U.S. economy. Each report contains statistics on the previous 5 years, future 5 years’ projections, analysts’ commentary, and risk ratings. Includes some state-level and global industry reports.
The online library of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development features its books, papers, and statistics. Access for 2001 through August 2019 content.
Financial information for US-based private companies earning at least $1 million in annual revenue or have at least $1 million in venture capital backing.
Note: You must create an account using your UWW email address, and this is how you will log in after NET ID authentication.
Each individual account has privileges for:
150 unique private company profile views per month
150 unique private company profiles exported via Excel per month
150 unique private company profile PDF downloads per month
plus "Saved Searched", "Company Watchlists", and all PrivCo individual account features.
If you need the 150 limit increased, please contact the Business Librarian so we can make the request to PrivCo. This is done on a case-by-case basis and must be for academic research purposes only.
Detailed information on US businesses, consumers, and job postings
Public opinion poll questions and answers on social issues, politics, pop culture, international affairs, science, the environment, and much more. Results from 1935 to the present from academic, commercial and media survey organizations.
Consumer survey data that brings a brand's target audience to life with vivid and complete profiles, including demographics, lifestyles, attitudes, brand preferences, and media use. Note: This resource is limited to 25 users at a time.
Note that data in this subscription is 2-3 years old. Please click Log Out (under the University of WI-Whitewater in the top right corner) when you are done. See for assistance with searching.
Statistics and other quantitative data on media, business, finance, politics, and a variety of other areas of interest.
Descriptive information and performance projections for 1,700 stocks, plus analyst views on the economy and stock market.
Federal and state court cases, statutes, & regulations; law reviews & journals; legal research encyclopedias; and some international legal resources, company information, and news.
The Census Bureau's data access point, including current data (back to 2010) from the decennial census, the American Community Survey, the Economic Census, and more.
Contains these economic datasets: International Financial Statistics, Balance of Payment Statistics, Government Finance Statistics, and Direction of Trade Statistics.
Selected statistics, up to 2012, on the social, cultural, political, and economic organization of the United States. For newer data, see the annual ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the United States in the Reference Section.
Official trade statistics and analysis. Annual trade statistics since 1962 and monthly trade statistics since 2010.
Monthly statistical information on U.S. imports and exports of thousands of commodities.
Note: Create a FREE personal account to see the data. Click on the "Sign-Up Now" button and follow their directions.
Access to all available World Bank datasets, including World Development Indicators and Global Financial Development.
Displays selected demographic and economic data from the Census Bureau in a map-based interface. Use Small Business Edition to find key data for a single type of business in one particular geography.
Use Regional Analyst Edition to view data for all sectors of the economy and for a user-defined region. This version supports chambers of commerce and regional planning staff who need a broad portrait of the people and businesses in their service area.
Database with global, national, and regional news, featuring newspapers, newswires, magazines, and video in English and many other languages.
Current and archival to 1980s U.S. news featuring key national and regional sources including The New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Boston Globe, Newsday, and Chicago Tribune.