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HIS 455: Louis XIV and Absolutism: Secondary Sources


Books by Topic

Louis XIV and the Parlements: The Assertion of Royal Authority

This is the first scholarly study of the political and economic relationship between Louis XIV and the parlements of France, the Parlement of Paris and all the provincial tribunals. The author explains how the king managed to overcome the century-old opposition of the parlements to new legislation, and to impose upon them the strict political discipline for which this reign, and only this reign, is known. 

Performative Polemic: Anti-Absolutist Pamphlets and Their Readers in Late Seventeenth-Century France

Performative Polemic is the first literary historical study to analyze the "war of words" unleashed in the pamphlets denouncing Louis XIV's absolute monarchy between 1667 and 1715. As conflict erupted between the French ruler and his political enemies, pamphlet writers across Europe penned scathing assaults on his bellicose impulses and expansionist policies. This book investigates how pamphlet writers challenged the monarchy's monopoly over the performance of sovereignty by contesting the very mechanisms through which the crown legitimized its authority at home and abroad.

Absolute monarchy on the frontiers: Louis XIV’s military occupations of Lorraine and Savoy

This book deals with the French military occupations of Lorraine and Savoy during the personal rule of Louis XIV (1661-1715). It casts important new light on the aims and intentions (and also the limitations) of the French state in the seventeenth century, and makes a significant contribution to understanding a crucial era in the development of civil-military relations. Absolute monarchy on the frontiers presents the occupations of Lorraine and Savoy from a comparative perspective, and draws on the experience of several other French occupations of the period, including those of Nice and Luxembourg.

Feminism, Absolutism, and Jansenism: Louis XIV and the Port-Royal Nuns

Feminism, Absolutism, and Jansenism chronicles seventy years of Jansenist conflict and its complex intersection with power struggles between gallican bishops, Parlementaires, the Crown and the Pope. Daniella Kostroun focuses on the nuns of Port-Royal-des-Champs, whose community was disbanded by Louis XIV in 1709 as a threat to the state. Paradoxically, it was the nuns' adherence to their strict religious rule and the ideal of pious, innocent and politically disinterested behavior that allowed them to challenge absolutism effectively. 

The Dream of Absolutism: Louis XIV and the Logic of Modernity

In this sweeping reconsideration of absolutist culture, Hall Bjørnstad argues that the exuberance of Louis XIV’s reign was not top-down propaganda in any modern sense, but rather a dream dreamt collectively, by king, court, image-makers, and nation alike. Bjørnstad explores this dream through a sustained close analysis of a corpus of absolutist artifacts, ranging from Charles Le Brun’s famous paintings in the Hall of Mirrors at Versailles via the king’s secret Mémoires to two little-known particularly extravagant verbal and textual celebrations of the king. The dream of absolutism, Bjørnstad concludes, lives at the intersection of politics and aesthetics. 

Peer Review Tutorial

This video, created by the North Carolina State University Libraries, is a concise explanation of what peer reviewing is and the role it plays in publishing. Closed-captioning is available for this tutorial.

Peer Review in Three Minutes (3:15)

Peer-reviewed Journals

How do I know if a journal is peer reviewed?

Some article databases allow you to limit to peer-reviewed journals when searching. If you cannot limit to peer-reviewed journals, use the Ulrichsweb database to look up the title of the journal. Ulrichsweb will show whether a journal is "refereed," which is another word for peer review. Access to this database is restricted to UW-Whitewater students, faculty, and staff.

Remember, not all articles in peer-reviewed journals go through the peer-review process. Once you find an article in a peer-reviewed journal, you must then determine if the article is scholarly. If the article is scholarly, and it is in a peer-reviewed journal, then that article was peer reviewed.