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Library Instruction

Guide for arranging library workshops.

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This guide is designed to assist instructors who want have information literacy workshops or learning objects for their classes.


Knowledge of the UW-Whitewater libraries' resources and how to use them efficiently and effectively is important for our faculty, staff, and students. We want to help you and your students do the best research possible. To that end, instruction librarians are available to teach workshops on weekdays and early evenings during all semesters. Other times may be available upon request. When setting up a workshop with a librarian, it’s best to contact us early in order to help to guarantee your first choice of dates and adequate preparation time on our part. Individual meetings can be arranged on shorter notice.

Where can I find what materials the libraries have?

  • To find online databases by subject, select the Articles/Databases button on the libraries' homepage, then select a subject. Subjects roughly correlate with department or college names. Most of our databases have a combination of types of materials, although the focus is typically academic in nature. Database descriptions should help clarify this.
    • To find the full list of databases, next select Databases A-Z on the sidebar
  • To search through all physical items and some online items at the UWW libraries or all physical items in the UW System libraries search Research@UWW.

The Basics

Information literacy instruction is available to faculty, staff, and students at both UW-Whitewater campuses. In this guide we focus primarily on instruction for groups or classes of students scheduled by instructors. For individual or small group assistance, stop by the Reference or Information desk, or Make an Appointment with a librarian at a convenient time.


  • Introductory workshops for undergraduate students usually occur in English 102 and other introductory level courses with a research component
  • Advanced sessions as well as refreshers occur in upper level research-based courses or those with a research component
  • We meet with a wide variety of courses across all colleges with different information needs


  • Face-to-face
  • Synchronous online (Webex, Zoom, or other video conferencing platform)
  • Asynchronous online tutorials or videos
  • Static guides

How to Request

Our information literacy instruction is tailored to fit the specific needs of your course and your students. Please let us know your needs and concerns, and we will do our best to address them.