Profiles of 175 countries including country facts, climate, society & culture, demographics, money and banking, points of interest, transportation, maps and communications.
MarketLine Industry Profiles available from EBSCOhost's Business Source Complete database. Profiles of global spending and government spending in specific countries. Add your country to the search box to access its report. Example reports:
World Trade Organization (WTO)
See "Statistics" under "Documents, data and resources" and under "About WTO" select "Members" (and then select countries). See explanation of how disputes are settled online.
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Overall Economic Outlook for 2022
OECD Economic Surveys: China (2022) - Make sure to just click view on Web to read for free. (PDFs for download are behind a paywall)
OECD Economic Surveys: United States (2020)
Russian Economic Snapshot (2019) - The Russian Federation is not a member or partner with the OECD, so there are no full surveys
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
Potentially useful publications may be found under Topics, Publications, or Statistics
Trade statistics by country will include the top export and import partners in the profile of each country.