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Communication 422: Communication Theories

This page provides a guide to finding articles in a library database.

Full Research@UWW Search Box


Library Databases

The UWW libraries subscribe to many databases you can use to research and locate articles. Use the databases linked below if you would like to do more targeted searching for your topic. Read the description for each database to determine if it would be a good fit for your topic - some are general and others contain information for a specific subject(s). See the Search Tips tabs if you need help getting started coming up with your search terms. Please get in touch with a librarian if you would like assistance in searching for information. Find more databases by selecting the Articles/Databases tab from the box on the Library homepage and choosing a subject or database name.

Databases (Find It)

In most UWW article databases, if there is no full text available for an item in that database for the item you want, you will see a Find It button button or link. Use Find It to determine if we have the full text elsewhere or if you can get a copy from another library.


  1. Select Find It for the item you want
  2. If you see:
    • The full text article you can email, print, or save it
    • UW Request or a Request link, follow the instructions on the UW Request & Request page
    • We Can Get it for You! (Document Delivery/ ILLiad) link, select it and continue with section C #3 on the Document Delivery Through ILLiad tab
  3. Select UW-Whitewater from the menu
  4. Select the Go button and log in
  5. Check to see that required boxes are filled out and add any additional information
  6. Click on the Submit Request button
  7. To log out, click on Logoff link
  8. Close your browser