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Philosophy 281: Social Philosophy: Books

An online course guide of resources for students taking Philosophy 281.

Library Books

Below is a list of general books about social philosophy. Clicking on the book will take you to the catalog to check the availability of a book, or to the library database to read the book online.

For books on specific social issues, search Research@UWW for your issue. For the most recent publications on your topic, sort your search results by date instead of relevance.

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Use this search box to find UW-Whitewater libraries' books, ebooks, government publications, videos, and more.

Hints for Using Research@UWW

Hints for keyword searching in Research@UWW:

  • To search for a phrase, place your words in quotes (" ").A phrase is any two or more words next to each other.
    For example: "united states"; "Salt Lake City"
  • Use the truncation symbol (*) to get alternate endings to words
    For example: imperial* = imperial, imperialism, imperialist 
  • Think of synonyms or other ways to say the same thing or to convey the same or similar ideas
    For example: corruption; fraud; profiteer  
  • Link the synonyms together with the word OR (this expands your search)
    For example: corruption OR profiteer*
  • Try Advanced Search to limit your search by language, publication date, other UW system libraries, and more options.
  • Use the  button if the article you want isn’t full text in the database you are searching.