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Film Studies: Gender & Film

Books Available at the Andersen Library


Use the below Research@UWW link to find additional books.

Books Available Through UW Request from other UW System Libraries

The following texts are not available at the Andersen Library. Visit the Research@UWW link below to search for and borrow the following texts and more for free from other UW libraries using UW Request

  • The Imaginary Signifier: Psychoanalysis and the Cinema by Christian Metz
  • New Queer Cinema: A Critical Reader by Michelle Aaron
  • Out Takes: Essays on Queer Theory and Film by Ellis Hanson
  • Psychoanalysis and Cinema: The Melodrama of the Unknown Woman by Stanley Cavell
  • Sexuality in the Field of Vision by Jacqueline Rose
  • Technologies of Gender: Essays on Theory, Film, and Fiction by Teresa De Lauretis 
  • Visual and Other Pleasures by Laura Mulvey 
  • Women in Film Noir by Ann E. Kaplan

Want More Information?

Donald Jellerson 

Office: Laurentide 3217 

Phone: (262) 472-1979
