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Collecting books

First, make sure your Zotero Standalone program is open and running on your computer. Then:


From Research @ UWW:

  • Once you have found a book in Research @ UWW, you should see an icon of a book that appears after the URL in your browser's address bar. Hover to make sure it says Save to Zotero (Primo) Has access to this site.

image of the Zotero book icon next to the URL bar

  • Click the icon.
  • You should get a small pop-up window saying that you are adding the item to a particular folder. Change the folder if you wish.
  • That book record now appears in your Zotero library.


From an Ebook database or from the web:

  • You should see the same book icon as above, with the text Save to Zotero (_____) Has access to this site. Proceed as above.
  • Sometimes ebooks from the free web are misclassified as webpages rather than books. If that is the case, go to Zotero Standalone and click on the item record. Then click on the Item Type field. That should open a dropdown menu with many options. Choose the correct one, then add in the details as needed.

zotero Item Type listed as Web Page


From an ISBN: 

Have a physical book in-hand and don't want to look up the citation? You can look up the citation by ISBN (International Standard Book Number). This is a long number (10 or 13 digits) usually found on the copyright page. It often starts with 978 or 1-978.

  • In the Zotero Standalone application, click the magic wand button: "Add item by identifier." 

Add Items by identifier button in zotero

  • Enter the book's ISBN number, and Zotero will automatically download its information and save it to your library.



Next Steps:

  • Much of the auto-downloaded information that you import into any citation generator is wrong! This is true in any auto-citation generator, not just Zotero. 
  • Go to Verify References to correct it.