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Link Directly to Online Articles, Ebooks, & More: Resource-Specific Tips

The resource-specific tips on this page are arranged alphabetically. Use the Table of Contents here to jump directly to your database or vendor, or use the Find function of your browser to find the name of your database. 

Alexander Street (Audio & Video content)

  1. Search for the title or subject of what you want in the database, omitting any initial article.
  2. Select the title of the clip you want.
  3. Select Share for a video clip, or Embed/Link for an audio clip. These options should appear: 
    Alexander Street Press permalink to or embed code box
  4. Copy either the permalink or the code. The EZProxy® coding is already included. The link or code can be pasted into Canvas or wherever you wish to use it. 

Alexander Street (Historical Text content)

  1. Search for the title or subject of what you want in the database, omitting any initial article.
  2. Select the title of the document you want.
  3. There is no embed button or link here. Instead, copy the URL from the top URL bar. It should be formatted similar to this one:

The EZProxy® coding is already included. The link can be pasted into Canvas or wherever you wish to use it. 

CQ Press Library

  1. Search for the title or subject of what you want in the database, omitting any initial article.
  2. Select the title of the item you want.
  3. The stable link is available to copy and paste as part of the citation: 
  • If you are looking at a page with the book's record details, there is an option for Citable Link.
  • If you are looking at a page of the book itself, click on Get Citation, then the link can be copied from within the citation.
  • The link should look something like this: 

The EZProxy® coding is already included. The link can be pasted into Canvas or wherever you wish to use it. 

Children's Literature Comprehensive Database (CLCD)

  1. Search for the title or subject of what you want in the database, omitting any initial article.
  2. Select the title of the item you want.
  3. Select Copy persistent link This is NOT a proxied link. 
  4. Paste the link into a word processing program like Microsoft Word or Notepad.
  5. Add the proxy URL onto the front of the persistent link, with no space between the two URLs:
  6. Copy the new, longer link into Canvas or wherever you wish to use it.


  1. Search for the title or subject of what you want in the database, omitting any initial article.
  2. Select the title of the item you want.
  3. Select the URL from the top bar of your web browser. This is NOT a proxied link. 
  4. Paste the link into a word processing program like Microsoft Word or Notepad.
  5. Add the proxy URL onto the front of the persistent link, with no space between the two URLs:
  6. Copy the new, longer link into Canvas or wherever you wish to use it.

Early English Books Online (EEBO) (Chadwyck-Healey)

  1. Search for the title or subject of what you want in the database, omitting any initial article.
  2. Select the title of the document you want.
  3. There are several ways to view each record in EEBO. Look for this text at the top of the record: 
    view this document as a record, as an image, as illustrations only, etc.
  4. Select the left-most icon, which will let you view the item's Record.
  5. You should now see a Durable URL button. Select that, and copy the URL provided. It should be formatted in a structure similar to this one:

The EZProxy® coding is already included. The link can be pasted into Canvas or wherever you wish to use it. 

EbscoHost databases

  1. Search for the title or subject of what you want in the database, omitting any initial article.
  2. Select the title of the document you want.
  3. On the right-hand side of the item's record, there is a Tools menu. The bottom link is Permalink.
  4. Select the Permalink and copy the URL provided at the top of the page. It should be formatted in a structure similar to this one:,uid&db=nlebk&AN=1990864&site=ehost-live&scope=site

The EZProxy® coding is already included. The link can be pasted into Canvas or wherever you wish to use it. 

Films on Demand

The embed code provided within Films On Demand does not work within Canvas, as of September 2020. 

You must either embed it via the integration provided within Canvas, or add the film as an External Link. 

For detailed instructions outlining this process, refer to our How to Use Films on Demand guide.

Gale (Literary Sources, Literature Criticism Online, Contemporary Authors, Primary Sources...)

The Gale databases provide an auto-generated citation at the bottom of each entry. If it has a link in the citation that is structured similar to this one:

The EZProxy® coding is already included here. The link can be pasted into Canvas or wherever you wish to use it. 

However, if you click on the Get Link button at the top right corner of an entry:Gale Get Link icon 

That will provide a link structured like this one:

This is NOT a proxied link.

  1. Paste the link into a word processing program like Microsoft Word or Notepad.
  2. Add the proxy URL onto the front of the persistent link, with no space between the two URLs:
  3. Copy the new, longer link into Canvas or wherever you wish to use it.


  1. Search for the title or subject of what you want in the database, omitting any initial article.
  2. Select the title of the document you want.
  3. In the item record, look for the Stable URLs. One says Stable URL -- but do NOT use that. The other is URL with Proxy:
    Jstor's link for URL with Proxy: -- use that.

The EZProxy® coding is already included. The link can be pasted into Canvas or wherever you wish to use it. 


For some people, Kanopy seems only to work within an Incognito or Private window, as of fall 2020. If you, or your students, have difficulty using it, open an Incognito (Chrome) or Private (Firefox) window to do anything involving Kanopy


To add content, you can embed and/or link content:

To embed the video

  1. Search for the video within Kanopy
  2. Under the video, select the "Share" button. (Alternative: create a clip or playlist and then click "Share". A Kanopy-specific username is required for clips and playlists.)
    Kanopy video title with Share button underneath it
  3. Select the Embed tab and copy the Embed code. It should look something like this:
    <iframe allow='encrypted-media;' width='640' height='390' src='' frameborder='0' allowfullscreen webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen></iframe>
    Embed box from Kanopy, with a long embed code
  4. In your Canvas course, either go to an existing page or create a new page where you want the video to go.
  5. Edit the page
  6. Select Insert in the menu:
    use the insert menu to embed a Kanopy video
  7. Choose Embed, and paste your Embed code into the box.

Sometimes the embedded video still does not play for some students in some browsers. As a backup, we recommend also adding a direct link to the video, following the directions below: 


To add the video link

  1. Search for the video within Kanopy
  2. Under the video, select the "Share" button. (Alternative: create a clip or playlist and then click "Share". A Kanopy-specific username is required for clips and playlists.)
  3. On the Share link tab, copy the link provided in the box. It should look something like this -- it doesn't say libproxy like most databases, but as long as it has uww before, it will direct students to our login:
  4. In your Canvas course, either:
    1. Go to an existing page and Edit it. Type the name of the video, then highlight the text and add the link.
    2. Create a new External Link in the module where you want the video. Check the box that says "Load in a New Tab" or the video will not work:
      Canvas page for Add an External URL, showing the checkbox for Load in a new tab

The link can also be pasted into an email or wherever else you wish to use it. 

LinkedIn Learning (formerly

  1. Search LinkedIn Learning for the video you want
  2. Copy the link to the video from the address bar in your browser. This is NOT a usable link yet. 
  3. Open Microsoft Word, Notepad or some other text-editing program on your computer. Paste the URL from step 2.
  4. Add this URL:  to the beginning of the link from step 2. 
  5. Copy the entire, longer, link. 
  6. Paste the new link into Canvas, email, a website, or any other location where you wish to link to LinkedIn Learning content. 


  1. Search for the title or artist of what you want in the database, omitting any initial article.
  2. Click on the title
  3. If you want the link for the full recording, you can copy the URL in the top URL bar of your browser.
  4. If you want the link for only one song, then select the "stable link" icon (the left-most one in the row of icons under the Play button: Naxos' row of icons, including one for Stable Link).
    Then, there are different stable URLs for each of the tracks on the CD: 
    screenshot showing different stable URLs for each song on the Naxos CD
    Copy the one you want. 
  5. With either #3 or #4, the stable URL should look something like this:

The EZProxy® coding is already included. The link can be pasted into Canvas or wherever you wish to use it. 

Nexis Uni

  1. Search for the title or subject of what you want in the database, omitting any initial article.
  2. Select the title of the item you want.
  3. In the item's record, click the Export Citation button: 
    Export Citation button
  4. In the citation that pops up, look for the link provided in the Retrieval information. It should look like this: 
    screenshot of Nexis citation which says Retrieved from
  5. Copy the link only (not the full citation). The EZProxy® coding is already included. The link can be pasted into Canvas or wherever you wish to use it.

Oxford Music Online

  1. Search for the title or subject of what you want in the database, omitting any initial article.
  2. Select the title of the item you want.
  3. The stable link is available to copy and paste either from the top bar, which looks something like this:

or the DOI provided in the article details, which looks something like this:

The EZProxy® coding is already included. The link can be pasted into Canvas or wherever you wish to use it. 

Proquest article databases

  1. Search for the title or subject of what you want in the database, omitting any initial article.
  2. Select the title of the document you want.
  3. On the item's record, you may access permalinks in several different ways:
  • You may click on All Options in the circular buttons to the right of the menu: circular button for All Options, next to Print and Email buttons , where the permalink should look something like this:

  • You may also click on the Abstract/Details tab of the document, if provided. Scroll down to view the Document URL. It may look like this:

Either way, the EZProxy® coding is already included in both. The link can be pasted into Canvas or wherever you wish to use it. 

Proquest Ebook Central

  1. Search for the title or subject of what you want in the database, omitting any initial article.
  2. Select the title of the item you want.
  3. On the left side, look for and select Share link to book
  4. Copy the URL from the popup box provided: screenshot of the box in Proquest, Copy Link, with a stable URL. This is NOT a proxied link. 
  5. Paste the link into a word processing program like Microsoft Word or Notepad.
  6. Add the proxy URL onto the front of the persistent link, with no space between the two URLs:
  7. Copy the new, longer link into Canvas or wherever you wish to use it.

How to Make Clips, including Clips OF ENTIRE VIDEO

The platform includes a clip-making function. Clips can be of any length. A permalink will allow you to directly link to and share any customized clip. An embed code allows you to add a clip to Canvas.

Please note: If you wish to embed the entire video into Canvas, please make a clip of the entire video.

1. To make a clip, start playing the video until the intro is done and the transcript loads below the video.

2. After transcript section appears, pause the video and then simply follow these two steps:

  •  Select the content in the transcript you wish to clip and
  • Click on the “Make Clips” button to the right of the transcript, and then name it.

When a clip is created, a permalink and embed code are automatically generated.

If you want the whole thing, START AT THE BOTTOM and scroll up to select. It’s easier.

3. To find the clip, please go to the "Clips" tab found to the right of the videoviewer.

4. To find the permalink and embed code, once on the “Clips” tab, click on the "Green Share Icon" next to the clip’s name.

5. When the share icon is clicked, this pop up window will appear. This popup window contains the Permalink for the clip (the URL all may use to directly access the clip from anywhere) and the Embed code for the clip, if you wish to embed into Canvas.




Research @ UWW

If you find items via Research @ UWW on the library's homepage, it is recommended that you go to view the full text of the item and provide a direct, proxied link to the item in its "native" database. This will result in fewer clicks and the best chance of success for your recipients in locating the item. 

However, if a stable, direct link cannot be found from within the "native" database, then a link to the Research @ UWW record is the next best option. Follow these directions: 

  1. Search for the title or subject of what you want in the database, omitting any initial article.
    1. If you are looking for an online ebook, online video, or government document, change the drop-down menu to say "Books, Media, & More (UW-Whitewater)". You may want to use the filters under Resource Type on the left to further limit your results. 
    2. If you are looking for an article, change the drop-down menu to say "Articles"
  2. Select the title of the item you want.
  3. Under the Send To section, select the option for Permalink
  4. Select the link provided to Copy the permalink to clipboard. This is not a proxied link, but in this case it does not need to be proxied. Students or other recipients will view the record and then be asked to log in when they click on one of the Full Text links under the View It section. 
  5. The link may be pasted into Canvas or wherever you wish to use it.

Sage (Reference Books or Journals)

  1. Search for the title or subject of what you want in the database, omitting any initial article.
  2. Select the title of the document you want.
  3. You may copy the URL from the top URL bar or from the DOI. It should be formatted in a structure similar to one of these: 
  • For a Sage Knowledge: Reference work, the URL is formatted like this: 
    or formatted as a DOI:
  • For a Sage journal, the URL is formatted like this:
    or formatted as a DOI:

As long as it has the or :2048 part in it, the EZProxy® coding is already included. The link can be pasted into Canvas or wherever you wish to use it. 


  1. Search for the title or subject of what you want in the database, omitting any initial article.
  2. Select the title of the document you want.
  3. A DOI is provided in the details of the item. You can copy that DOI, or copy from the top URL of your web browser. It should be formatted in a structure similar to this one:

The EZProxy® coding is already included. The link can be pasted into Canvas or wherever you wish to use it. 


  1. Search for the title or subject of what you want in the database, omitting any initial article.
  2. Select the title of the document you want.
  3. A DOI is provided in the details of the item. It should be formatted in a structure similar to this one:

The EZProxy® coding is already included. The link can be pasted into Canvas or wherever you wish to use it.