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Link Directly to Online Articles, Ebooks, & More: Simple Steps

Create a correct link

The Library uses EZproxy® software, which allows current UW-W students, faculty, and staff to access Library resources from off-campus, but restricts access by others, thereby helping Andersen Library comply with copyright restrictions and licensing agreements.


Examples with the proxy already included: 

Some databases will automatically prefix the proxy information onto the URL for you. It should look like this:,uid&db=bth&AN=142256723&site=ehost-live&scope=site

Other databases will slightly modify the DOI so that it includes some of our proxy information in it. This is also acceptable: or, for another example,


Examples without the proxy and how to fix it: 

  1. URL:,uid&db=a9h&AN=2043966&site=ehost-live&scope=site

    Even a short, permalink or "stable" URL like this one: still needs to have the proxy added.

  2. ADD to the beginning of the URL:

  3. USE:,uid&db=a9h&AN=2043966&site=ehost-live&scope=site
    Or, on a short/stable URL:

  4. TYPE: the title of the reading, other citation information, and the updated URL into the desired page in Canvas, email, or wherever you want to use it.