Note: Remember to properly credit information taken from the Internet when used for research purposes, even if the material is considered to be in the public domain. See the Cite It Right section of this guide for access to examples of MLA Style citations.
Streaming video library with over 38,000 documentaries, lectures, and historical primary source videos, covering a wide range of academic subjects.
This is Internet Archive's Moving Images library of free movies, films, and videos containing thousands of digital movies ranging from classic full-length films, to daily alternative news broadcasts, to cartoons and concerts. Broad subject coverage includes: art, music, news, science, sports, cartoons, animation, advertising, trade films and many other genres.
Thousands of documentaries and feature films from many of the leading producers.
Note: Any film not included in our subscription must be requested by the instructor.
Materials from the UK National Theatre’s Volume I archive: high definition streaming video of world-class productions and unique archival material.
Streaming library provides video documentaries and series from PBS on topics that range from science to history, art to Shakespeare, diversity to business & economics, and more.
A discovery tool for most of the Library's articles, books, multimedia, and digital repositories.