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EDFOUND 781: Foundations of Gifted and Talented Education

Instructions for how to search for more resources if you have an author's name

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Author Search

What is "Author Searching?"

Once you have located an article of particular interest, next search for more articles by the same author. Searching for more articles by the same author can give you a stronger sense of the author’s depth of expertise in the field and on a particular topic. Author searching will show you whether a researcher has been studying a particular issue over time and contributing to the knowledge base of the field of study for other researchers and practitioners. You may also find more recent articles by the same author.

author search in context

Why Do This Type of Searching?

What is the purpose of a literature review? This first short presentation will explain the purpose of literature reviews and provide context for practicing the following search strategies in the exercises below; the author search, the backward search, and the forward search. 

Click here to view Search Strategies for the Literature Review: Part I

How Can I Do This?

videoResearch@UWW allows you to search by author.


Databases for Your Author Search

Since communication sciences and child language development spans a number of fields, from psychology, to sociology, to medicine, select databases from a variety of subject areas.

EBSCOHost: Before you start searching, click "Choose Databases" and then select any number of the following as well as others that you may find appropriate for your topic:

Screenshot of ebscohost showing where to select multiple databases by clicking "choose databases"

  • CINAHL Plus (Nursing & Allied Health)
  • Communication & Mass Media Complete
  • ERIC
  • Education Research Complete
  • MEDLINE with Full Text
  • Mental Measurements
  • Professional Development Collection
  • SocIndex
  • Social Sciences Full Text