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Biology 200: Writing in Biology: Cite It Right

Cite Your Sources

In Biology journals is it common for each journal to have its own citation style. However, a significant number use APA. If you are citing the sources in a paper you are writing and have been instructed to use APA, the below webpages and documents will help you with your formatting.

APA Style

Whether you choose to quote, summarize, or paraphrase sources in your research paper, you must cite each source you use. For rules and examples, look here:

If you use online citation formatters provided free on the internet or within a library database. Remember that computer generated citations are not foolproof. Be sure to review them for accuracy. 

This video has good tips for Using a Citation from a Citation Generator.

If you are writing a long paper or thesis and want help organizing your sources and citations, try Zotero or EndNote, both of which the library supports.

APA Citation Examples


General Internet document (use (n.d.) when there is no publication date)

Article or Report