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King/Chavez Scholars: Find Articles

Library Article Databases

Andersen Library subscribes to many databases that can be used to locate periodical (journal, magazine and newspaper) articles, as well as book chapters, dissertations and the like. Other databases the library has contain legal cases, business information, and more. Online databases and Research@UWW are two ways to find recent articles. If you need older articles, or cannot find any articles on your topic using Research@UWW or online databases, Ask a Librarian in person, over the phone, by email, or through chat for assistance. Databases and Research@UWW list articles that may or may not be owned by the Library. Databases, Research@UWW, and the full text content they contain can be accessed both on and off-campus.

Below are a few databases you may wish to search individually. Find more by selecting the Articles/Databases tab from the box on the Library homepage and choosing a subject or database name.

Sample search in databases:

caffeine frog*

"energy drink*" OR "red bull"


Research@UWW  is a one-stop solution for the discovery and delivery of articles, books, ebooks, government documents, media, images, and more. It searches many, but not all, of the Library's databases. It also searches our physical items and those at other UW system libraries and external partner libraries. If you need more specialized information or want to look at a database not searched by Research@UWW, search individual databases.

Log in after your first search to ensure you're seeing all available citation and have seamless access to full text and UW Request borrowing.

Research at U W W Search millions of resources including UW System libraries’ collections. Articles from journals, magazines, and newspapers. Books, ebooks, documents, and media. Reserves. Images. Guides. Link to

Off-Campus Access

Databases and the full text content they contain can be accessed both on and off-campus.

The first time you click on a database name, you'll be prompted to log into the proxy server with your UW-W Net-ID and password (just like you do to access your UW-W email, WINS account, and Canvas courses). After a while of non-use you will be timed out. Just sign in again.

If you have issues logging in or accessing online full text articles and books, please check the Troubleshooting section of our Get Help page for known issues. The three most common solutions are: 

  1. Use the most recent version of Chrome, Firefox, or Safari browser (Edge and Internet Explorer can cause access problems)
  2. Use Citrix (step by step instructions) from this webpage:
  3. Use the VPN (Virtual Private Network). Want to watch a video on VPN? See

Note: Research@UWW does not require that you sign in at first. However, you should sign in anyway after your first search for seamless access to more full text and to Request/UW Request borrowing.