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Graduate Courses in Education

This guide supports graduate students in the COEPS, including EDFOUND 780, HELEAD 780, CIGENRL 723, EDUINDP 724, 726, and other capstone preparation courses.

Is it Peer Reviewed?

A scholarly journal that uses the peer review process before publishing articles is described as a refereed journal. 

An article that has undergone scrutiny of other scholars and researchers is described as a peer-reviewed article.

Many databases provide a search limiter that help you eliminate publications such as magazines, newspapers, and trade journals. Look for a limiter option such as this:

When searching for articles using Google Scholar, however, you need to ascertain that a journal is refereed. Use the tools on this page, such as Ulrichsweb to help you identify this information.

Peer-reviewed Articles

print-based information Peer-Reviewed vs. Trade Journals vs. Popular Articles: What's the difference? (graphic)

play video button Identifying Types of Articles: Explained (video)

 Peer Review in Three Minutes: What is peer review? (video)

 refereed Ulrichsweb: How can I identify whether a journal is peer-reviewed? Search for a magazine or journal by title. If it is identified with a referee shirt, it is a refereed publication, and most articles in the publication will be peer reviewed.