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Geography 210: Physical Geography

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Government Documents

Government Documents
Government documents are a useful source of information on geography topics. U.S. federal government agencies such as the Department of State and Department of Commerce are actively engaged in country-related research and they publish many documents in this area. The Library is a federal government Depository Library and therefore will have many government documents listed in Research@UWW. International organizations such as the United Nations, International Monetary Fund and OECD also publish in this field.

Google Advanced Search
Try Google's Advanced Search to locate government documents. In the search box that says "Search within a site or domain" type .gov (that will find only web sites from government agencies). If looking for documents on a foreign government web site, use the domain for the government site you'd like to use (e.g., or

Country Domain Extensions

See Webopedia's Countries and Their Domain Extensions for a list of country domain extensions.